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Full text of "Germany's fighting machine : her army, her navy, her airships, and why she arrayed them against the allied powers of Europe"

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Too  o  o  oaf 






Presented  to  the 


by  the 




Kaiser   Wilhelm   II 

GERMANY'S    *  -    - •  « 

Her  Army,  Her  Navy,  Her  Air-ships,  and 

Why  She  Arrayed  Them  Against  the 

Allied  Powers  of  Europe 



Author  of 













BUT  a  few  weeks  ago  the  author  of  this  little  book 
was  in  Germany  studying  the  land  and  its  institutions 
and  full  of  admiration  for  its  achievements  in  every 
field.  Two  days  after  he  had  taken  ship  for  America 
Germany  was  practically  at  war  with  France  and  Rus- 
sia. England  soon  joined  in  the  conflict,  and  the  splen- 
did Hamburg  liner  on  which  the  author  was  a  passenger 
was  a  hunted  thing  on  the  ocean,  owing  her  safety  at 
last  to  a  friendly  fog.  The  great  shipping  company, 
with  its  nearly  two  hundred  vessels,  was  out  of  the  run- 
ning as  a  commercial  enterprise,  a  symbol  of  the  para- 
lyzed industries  of  the  whole  country. 

To  the  ordinary  observer  the  conflict  came  like  a  bolt 
from  the  blue,  but  to  the  historian  and  to  the  man  who 
reads  the  foreign  newspapers  it  was  not  unexpected. 
The  historians  recognized  that  it  was  the  appointed  time 


for  a  war  between  the  great  nations.  The  Franco- 
Prussian  War  took  place  forty-three  years  ago.  When, 
since  the  days  of  the  grandsons  of  Charlemagne,  have 
the  chief  powers  kept  out  of  war  for  so  long  a  time  ?  In 
the  ninth  and  tenth  centuries  the  question  of  Lorraine 
was  as  troublesome  as  it  has  been  in  the  nineteenth  and 
twentieth;  in  the  eleventh  and  twelfth  an  expedition 
against  Italy  was  in  the  day's  work  of  almost  every 
German  emperor;  and  England  and  Sicily  were  con- 
quered by  the  Normans;  in  1215  took  place  the  first  gen- 
eral international  battle;  in  1250  the  final  expeditions 
against  the  Emperor  Frederick  II;  in  1272  the  Sicilian 
wars  of  the  house  of  Anjou.  The  Guelphs  and  Ghibel- 
lines  carry  us  on  to  the  Hundred  Years'  War ;  the  Haps- 
burg  struggles  against  Italy  and  the  Turks  bring  us 
down  to  the  invasion  of  Italy  by  Charles  VIII  of 
France,  to  the  campaigns  of  Maximilian,  to  the  Field 
of  the  Cloth  of  Gold,  to  the  religious  wars  of  Charles  V. 
Close  on  the  heels  of  the  latter  struggles  came  not  only 
the  French  religious  wars  but  the  invasion  of  England 
by  Philip  II's  great  armada,  The  Thirty  Years'  War, 
Louis  XIV's  war  of  conquest,  the  Spanish  Succession, 
the  Silesian  and  the  Seven  Years'  Wars  fill  the  seven- 
teenth and  eighteenth  centuries;  the  Napoleonic,  Cri- 
mean and  Franco-Prussian  Wars  the  nineteenth.  Yes, 
it  was  time  for  a  new  struggle. 

THE  WAR  a 

When  a  great  and  extraordinary  event  takes  place  it 
is  easy,  somewhere  in  the  world,  to  point  to  omens  and 
prophecies  that  have  heralded  it.  But  in  the  case  of  the 
present  war  we  can  see  in  the  German  newspapers  how, 
from  month  to  month  of  the  present  year,  the  struggle 
was  felt  to  be  more  and  more  imminent  and  how  Russia, 
the  power  that  eventually  precipitated  the  catastrophe, 
was  felt  to  be  the  center  of  real  danger.  "In  well- 
informed  diplomatic  circles,"  writes  the  Magdeburger 
Zeitung  in  January,  1914,  "the  impression  can  not  be 
concealed  that  in  Russia  at  present  there  prevails  a  thor- 
oughly hostile  attitude  to  Germany  and  Austria-Hun- 
gary, and  that  the  agitation  in  the  czar's  realm  is  greater 
even  than  during  the  last  Balkan  crisis.  ...  It  looks 
as  though  Russia  were  preparing  to  make  an  extraordi- 
narily great  show  of  strength  against  a  specific,  not  far 
distant  date."  And  the  Deutsche  Tageszeitung:  "What 
is  Russia's  purpose  in  building  a  mighty  fleet  of  dread- 
naughts  for  the  Baltic?  Surely  not  merely  to  coerce 
Sweden."  Again  the  Madgeburg  paper:  "The  Russian 
government,  which  already  owes  French  capitalists 
twelve  billions,  has  received  a  new  loan  of  two  billions 
five  hundred  millions,  of  which  five  million  are  yearly  to 
be  issued  in  Paris.  This  whole  gigantic  sum  is  exclu- 
sively to  be  spent  for  building  strategic  railways  along 
the  German-Russian  boundary.  .  .  .  France  com- 


pelled  Russia  to  do  this.  The  French  general  staff 
thinks  that  Russia,  because  of  her  clumsiness  in  mobil- 
izing, but  especially  for  lack  of  tracks  leading  to  the 
German  frontier,  will  not  be  able,  in  a  new  war  with 
Germany,  to  bring  help  to  France  in  time.  Russia  has 
now  fulfilled  France's  wishes  in  this  regard.  Thus  does 
the  Franco-Russian  alliance,  which  of  late  seemed  to  be 
falling  into  oblivion,  celebrate  its  resurrection." 

In  February  the  Hallesche  Zeitung  writes :  "To  keep 
friendship  with  Russia  is  one  of  the  chief  aims  of  our 
foreign  policy,  but  it  is  sometimes  made  very  hard  for 
us  indeed.  .  .  .  They  keep  the  peace  because  it  is  to 
the  advantage  of  the  czar's  empire  to  do  so ;  but  they  are 
to  be  had  for  every  combination  directed  against  Ger- 
many." And  the  Dresdener  Nachrichten:  "The  Rus- 
sian-German relations  leave  very  much  to  be  desired  at 
the  moment.  The  Russian  government  fails  to  show  the 
least  approachableness  in  foreign  questions  and  Russian 
society  and  the  press  are  in  an  extremely  anti-German 
mood.  Evidences  of  the  same  thing  are  to  be  seen  in 
their  attitude  to  Austria.  .  .  .  The  Russian  policy 
lets  itself  be  taken  more  and  more  in  tow  by  the  French 
desires,  and  has  nothing  but  polite  speeches  left  for 
Germany."  The  Weser  Zeitung  finds  the  explanation 
of  the  hostility  in  Germany's  efforts  to  help  the  Turks 
reorganize  their  army,  and  declares,  "Here  we  have 

The  Crown  Prince  and  Crown  Princess 

Prince  Henry  of  Prussia,  the  Emperor's  Brother 

THE  WAR  5 

touched  one  of  the  weakest  spots  in  Russia's  world- 
policy,  her  endeavor  to  get  to  the  Mediterranean."  The 
Frdnkische  Kurier  thinks  that  Russia  intends  to  form 
a  protectorate  over  the  Balkan  states  as  a  military 
weapon  against  Austria  and  her  allies:  "The  soul  of 
this  endeavor  is  the  Russian  diplomacy  and  the  Servian 
minister-president,  Pasitsch."  The  Dresdener  Anzeiger 
observes  that  the  influence  of  the  Pan-Slavist  party  over 
the  Russian  government  is  steadily  growing  and  that 
the  extraordinary  activity  in  military  matters  ill  suits 
the  constant  peace  assurances:  "The  measures  are 
pointed  against  Austria-Hungary." 

On  March  second  an  article  in  the  Kolnische  Zeitung 
aroused  great  excitement  all  over  Germany.  It  declared 
that  Russia  was  not  yet  in  a  position  to  supplement  po- 
litical threats  by  military  action,  however  much  France 
might  "rattle  with  the  Russian  saber."  But  in  three 
years  all  the  enormous  preparations  would  be  completed, 
and  already  "it  is  openly  said  even  in  official  military 
periodicals,  that  Russia  is  arming  for  war  against  Ger- 
many." There  is  no  immediate  danger,  the  article  con- 
tinued, but  the  legend  of  the  historical  German-Russian 
friendship  had  better  be  thrown  to  the  dogs. 

The  papers  took  different  attitudes  toward  this  arti- 
cle, but  there  were  not  wanting  those  who  considered  the 
warnings  of  the  Kolnische  Zeitung  justified.  General 


Keim,  in  the  Tag,  declares  that  the  German-Russian 
boundary  is  one  huge  camp,  that  the  underlying  thought 
of  the  whole  armament  is  an  offensive  war  against  Ger- 
many, that  France  had  proceeded  in  the  same  way  just 
before  1870  and  that  the  recent  visit  to  St.  Petersburg 
of  President  Poincare  and  his  chief  of  staff  Joffre  had 
not  been  merely  a  pleasure  jaunt.  Had  not  a  French 
general,  only  last  summer,  declared  in  a  treatise  pub- 
lished anonymously  that  the  tension  between  Russia  and 
Austria  was  ground  for  a  European  war  "perhaps  in 
the  near  future"?  And  had  not  this  French  officer  even 
gone  so  far  as  to  spread  the  legend  that  in  case  of  war 
Germany  would  disregard  the  neutrality  of  Belgium 
and  Luxemburg  in  order  to  be  able  to  envelop  the 
French  left  wing? 

Several  of  the  March  newspapers  bring  the  Russian 
hostility  into  connection  with  the  commercial  treaty  that 
has  only  about  two  years  more  to  run.  Russia,  by  mak- 
ing a  bold  front,  can  gain  from  Germany  better  terms 
than  she  has  had  in  the  past.  "Russia,  with  her  military 
preparations,"  writes  the  Pester  Lloyd,  "wishes  to  put 
Austria  and  Germany  under  military  pressure  in  order 
to  achieve  diplomatic  successes  and  harm  her  neighbors 
economically."  The  idea  that  France  is  behind  it  all 
crops  out  repeatedly.  The  Neue  Preussische  Zeitung 
speaks  of  the  pressure  "ever  stronger,  that  the  French 

need  for  revenge  is  exercising  on  the  Russian  ally  and 
debtor."  The  Hannoverische  Courier  accuses  the 
French  press  of  having  first  caused  the  agitation  of 
public  opinion  in  Russia,  on  which  it  afterward  com- 
ments as  so  remarkable.  As  far  back  as  March  10th, 
1913,  the  Kolnische  Zeitung  had  written:  "Never  was 
our  relation  to  our  western  neighbor  so  strained  as  to- 
day, never  has  the  idea  of  vengeance  shown  itself  so 
openly  and  never  has  it  been  made  so  evident  that  in 
France  the  Russian  alliance,  the  English  friendship,  are 
claimed  only  for  the  purpose  of  reconquering  Alsace- 
Lorraine.  In  whatever  corner  of  the  world  the  flame 
starts  up  it  is  quite  certain  that  we  shall  have  to  cross 
swords  with  France.  When  that  will  be,  no  one  can  telL" 
The  Russian  military  preparations  cause  the  German 
papers  much  concern  in  the  month  of  April  also.  The 
Vossische  Zeitung  considers  them  a  gigantic  bluff,  and 
declares  that  they  have  been  worth  millions  to  the  Rus- 
sian government.  "For  only  because  France  thinks 
that  in  Russia  she  possesses  an  ally  ready  for  war  has 
she  heaped  billions  and  billions  on  her  in  the  form  of 
loans.  .  .  .  That  the  latest  French  loans  to  Russia 
were  accompanied  by  instructions  seriously  to  take  up 
the  anti- Austrian  and  anti-German  preparations  no  one 
doubts.  Just  as  little  is  it  doubted  that  Pan-Slavism  is 
not  pleased  with  the  latest  changes  in  the  Balkans  or  that 


the  freedom  of  the  Dardanelles  and  the  seizure  of  Con- 
stantinople still  present  themselves  as  the  goal  of  Rus- 
sian policy.  Hatred  of  the  Germans  is  increasing. 
.  .  .  One  thing  is  certain:  Russia  is  arming  to  a  gi- 
gantic extent.  She  wishes  to  throw  a  heavy  weight  into 
the  scale  of  the  national  quarrels.  Germany  and  Aus- 
tria have  every  reason  to  be  on  their  guard."  The 
Allgemeine  Zeitung,  of  Chemnitz,  writes  that  "The 
goals  of  French  and  Russian  policy  are  unattainable 
without  world-shattering  callings-to-account,"  and  the 
Weser  Zeitung,  after  speaking  of  Pan-Slavism  as 
threatening  the  existence  of  the  Austrian-Hungarian 
monarchy,  finally  exclaims,  "It  neither  can  nor  should 
be  concealed  that  if — which  God  forbid! — this  direction 
gain  the  upper  hand  in  Russian  politics  it  would  mean 
the  very  war-danger  against  which  we  sought  and  found 
refuge  in  the  Triple  Alliance." 

The  newspapers  of  May  have  a  somewhat  calmer 
tone  than  those  of  March  and  April.  "There  is,  to  be 
sure,"  writes  the  Tag,  "danger  for  peace  in  the  possibil- 
ity that  the  anti-German  tendency  in  Russia  may  prove 
so  strong  that  the  government  will  not  be  able  to  check 
it.  Another  danger  lies  in  the  relations  of  Russia  and 
Austria.  .  .  .  Although  there  is  much  talk  to  the  ef- 
fect that  we  shall  once  more  be  compelled  to  fight  for  our 
national  existence,  it  is  not  absolutely  necessary  that 

The  Unworldly  Kaiserin  as  the  Protectress  of  the  Fatherless 

Princess  Victoria  Louise,  the  Emperor's  Only  Daughter 

THE  WAR  9 

such  a  war  shall  come."  On  the  other  hand,  Admiral 
Breusing,  in  the  Tdgliche  Rundschau  of  May  the  sev- 
enth, writes:  "The  striving  of  the  Slavic  and  Mongo- 
lian races  to  extend  their  power  and  possessions  will 
surely  lead  to  an  encounter  with  the  German  race."  The 
Rheinisch-W estphdlische  Zeitung  declares  of  France 
that  "public  sentiment  in  military  and  political  circles 
has  long  gone  over  from  the  defensive  to  the  offensive. 
Apparently  the  aim  is  to  create  a  situation  where  Ger- 
many will  have  to  choose  between  receding  or  attack- 
ing." The  Dresdener  Anzeiger,  too,  thinks  that  the  "re- 
lations between  Germany  and  France  give  the  key  to 
the  grouping  of  the  European  powers,"  and  the  Berliner 
Tageblatt  says,  "The  future  and  salvation  of  Europe 
and  its  culture  lies  solely  in  a  German-French-English 
rapprochement;  that  alone  will  guarantee  the  world- 
peace."  Toward  the  end  of  the  month  the  Dresdener 
Anzeiger  writes:  "The  German-Russian  relations  have 
latterly  taken  a  remarkable  change  for  the  worse.  Cer- 
tainly the  nationalistic  elements  in  Russia  are  once  more 
conspicuously  active.  .  .  .  Should  the  whole  mass  of 
the  Russian  people  once  become  conscious  of  its  nation- 
ality the  world  will  see  the  most  mighty  movement  both 
as  regards  extent  and  elemental  intensity.  .  .  .  For 
Russia,  Pan-Slavism  is  the  idea  of  the  Russian  leader- 
ship over  all  Slavs." 


Already  in  May,  more  than  two  months  before  there 
is  a  sign  that  the  conflict  is  at  hand,  doubts  begin  to  be 
expressed  whether  Italy's  alliance  would  be  of  any  value 
in  case  of  war.  The  Berlin  Neueste  Nachrichten  has  to 
acknowledge  that  as  far  as  Austria  is  concerned  the  alli- 
ance is  "more  a  matter  of  the  intellect  than  of  the  heart ;" 
while  the  Rheinisch-W estphdlische  Zeitung  reports  on 
May  twelve  that  "in  more  than  ten  years  such  a  sense- 
less agitation  against  Austria  has  not  been  seen  in 
Italy.  .  .  .  The  Italian  government  is  by  no  means 
master  of  the  difficult  situation  in  which  it  is  placed 
by  the  demonstrations  of  protest  against  Austria-Hun- 
gary. .  .  .  Were  war  to  break  out  to-day  the  easily 
excited  Italian  people  would  compel  any  government 
of  theirs ,  however  friendly  to  the  Triple  Alliance.,  to 
declare  against  Austria-Hungary" 

The  nearer  we  approach  to  the  crisis  the  more  serious 
is  the  situation  regarded  by  the  better  newspapers.  The 
Neue  Preussische  Zeitung  in  June  tells  of  the  surpris- 
ing spirit  of  sacrifice  there  is  in  France  and  of  the  quiet 
efforts  that  are  being  made  to  strengthen  the  army:  "If 
the  revenge  cries  have  almost  ceased  that  does  not  in  the 
least  mean  that  the  idea  has  been  given  up ;  on  the  con- 
trary, they  already  reckon  on  the  war  as  on  a  sure  thing." 
Of  the  Russian  military  preparations,  the  Vienna  Neue 
Freie  Presse  writes  on  June  twelve :  "About  two  months 

THE  WAR  11 

ago  it  became  known  that  Russia  had  set  aside  two  hun- 
dred sixteen  million  kronen  (a  krone  is  about  a  franc) 
for  military  exercises  and  especially  for  a  'trial-mobili- 
zation.' The  great  amount  of  this  sum  will  be  realized 
when  one  remembers  that  Austria  spends  about  ten  mil- 
lions for  all  of  its  military  exercises  put  together.  Un- 
der the  harmless  title  of  'trial-mobilization'  and  the  still 
more  harmless  one  of  'exercises  for  the  reserves'  Russia, 
then,  for  a  period  of  six  weeks,  is  placing  its  giant  army 
practically  on  a  war- footing.  Think  of  1,800,000  men 
holding  military  exercises  at  a  time  when  Austria  has 
200,000,  Germany  from  300,000  to  400,000  trained  men 
at  her  immediate  disposal !  Whether  it  be  intentional  or 
not  this  implies  so  imminent  a  threat  that  the  neighbors 
will  need  the  greatest  'cold-bloodedness'  to  allow  these 
'military  exercises'  to  pass  without  friction.  These  ex- 
ercises signify  the  most  colossal  endangering  of  the 
peace  that  was  ever  attempted  under  the  form  of  a 
periodically  recurring  measure  of  organization,,  and  it 
would  not  be  surprising  if  all  those  who  long  for  a 
peaceful  turn  of  political  affairs  were  to  be  completely 
embittered.  .  .  .  To  add  to  this  dark  aspect  comes 
the  relatively  enormous  credit  demanded  by  the  Servian 
military  administration — 123,000,000.  It  is  as  much  in 
proportion  as  though  Austria  were  to  demand  a  billion 
and  a  half.  Since  1908  Servia  has  been  arming  uninter- 

ruptedly,  and  now  again  spends  this  sum  on  military 
purposes  the  tendency  of  which  practically  amounts  to 
a  direct  threatening  of  her  neighbors."  The  Hallesche 
Zeitung  on  the  twenty-third  of  June  discusses  the  vari- 
ous alliances:  "Originally  the  Russian-French  alliance 
was  a  military  convention,  in  the  last  few  months  there 
has  been  added  a  naval  agreement.  It  is  desired  to  enter 
with  united  forces  into  the  great  decisive  struggle  for 
the  division  of  the  world.  Russia  wants  elbow-room  as 
far  as  the  North  Atlantic  Ocean  and  the  Southern  Bal- 
tic, besides  free  entry  into  the  Mediterranean." 

I  have  quoted  all  these  newspaper  extracts  because 
they  seem  to  me  absolutely  indicative  of  the  sentiment 
that  prevailed  in  Germany  just  before  the  war  broke 
out,  whether  that  sentiment  be  based  on  correct  impres- 
sions or  not.  We  have  the  Russian  side  of  it  in  an  ar- 
ticle written  by  Professor  Maxim  Kowaleski,  for  the 
Frankfurter  Zeitung:  "In  Russia  people  believe  that 
Germany  and  Austria  are  arming  against  Russia,  in 
Germany  and  Austria  they  take  for  granted  that  the 
opposite  is  the  case." 

To  the  unprejudiced  observer  it  looks  very  much  as 
though  Servia,  thinking  her  hour  had  come  and  feeling 
sure  of  Russia's  support,  had  instigated  the  murder  of 
the  heir  to  the  Austrian  throne  with  the  deliberate  inten- 
tion of  starting  a  great  conflagration.  The  preliminary 

General  von  Heeringen 

General  von   Eichhorn 

General   von    Billow 

General  von   Prittwitz 

THE  WAR  13 

inquiry  into  the  matter,  which  was  carried  on  very  de- 
liberately by  Austria,  with  no  sensational  charges  or 
accusations,  revealed  a  great  plot  reaching  to  the  very 
steps  of  the  Servian  throne.  Around  that  throne,  as  the 
world  well  knows,  were  the  men  who  had  deliberately 
murdered  their  own  previous  king  and  queen  and  who 
had  been  rewarded  with  high  positions  for  their  share  in 
that  dark  transaction.  It  was  proved  to  Austria's  satis- 
faction— and  she  had  so  much  to  lose  by  a  war  of  ag- 
gression that  no  ulterior  motive  could  have  influenced 
her — that  the  royal  Servian  arsenal  had  provided  the 
weapons  of  death  and  that  a  high  official  in  the  army  had 
been  directly  concerned.  Servia's  attitude  during  the 
preliminary  investigation  had  been  provocative.  Then 
Austria  hurled  her  ultimatum. 

It  was  an  unheard-of  ultimatum — that  much  an  Aus- 
trian friend  acknowledged  to  me  at  the  time.  But,  he 
added,  the  whole  situation  was  equally  unheard  of.  In 
Germany,  except  in  the  ranks  of  the  social  democrats, 
who  glory  in  having  no  national  sentiments,  Austria's 
act  met  with  the  most  complete  approval.  Truth  to  tell, 
no  one  had  expected  such  firmness  and  decision.  The 
seriousness  of  the  matter  was  not  for  a  moment  over- 
looked. In  my  own  immediate  neighborhood  and,  I 
imagine,  from  end  to  end  of  Germany,  the  first  impulse 
on  hearing  the  news  was  to  sing  national  hymns.  One 


heard  them  throughout  that  whole  night — especially  the 
solemn  "Gott  erhalte  Franz  den  Kaiser"  and  "Deutsch- 
land,  Deutschland  uber  alles"  There  was  a  resigned 
feeling,  too,  a  feeling  that  Servia  had  been  such  a  men- 
ace since  1908  that  the  time  had  come  when  something 
must  be  done.  My  Austrian  friend  believed  that  the 
powers  would  sympathize  with  his  country's  desire  to 
chastise  a  band  of  assassins ;  that  the  Russian  czar  espe- 
cially would  never  take  sides  with  regicides ;  that  Eng- 
land would  see  fair  play. 

To  blame  the  German  emperor  for  what  followed  is 
the  attitude  of  the  uninformed.  Germany  has  foreseen 
the  struggle,  as  our  extracts  from  the  newspapers  show, 
but  her  one  idea  has  been  self-defense.  The  worst  that 
can  be  said  of  her  is  that  her  wonderful  prosperity  has 
made  her  a  little  boastful  and  that  she  has  talked  too 
much  about  her  share  in  world  politics  and  her  own 
"place  in  the  sun."  That  indeed  was  an  unfortunate 
remark  of  his  imperial  majesty.  In  general,  however, 
he  has  honestly  tried  to  keep  the  peace,  and  that  Ger- 
many, with  her  blooming  trade,  her  model  educational 
system  and  her  splendid  fleet  and  army  should  have  a 
larger  voice  in  the  affairs  of  nations  was  not  an  unrea- 
sonable aim.  Those  who  accuse  her  of  greed  for  terri- 
tory should  look  at  the  history  of  their  own  country  and 
see  if  they  are  entitled  to  throw  stones.  Nor  should  they 

THE  WAR  15 

attribute  her  recent  army-increase  to  a  mere  spirit  of 
aggression.  So  hemmed  in  is  Germany,  so  exposed  are 
her  frontiers  in  every  direction,  that  she  can  not  help 
taking  alarm  at  the  movements  of  her  neighbors.  Ac- 
tually touching  her  borders  are  nations  with  a  total  pop- 
ulation more  than  doubling  her  own,  not  to  speak  of 
England  with  her  enormous  fleet. 

England  of  late  has  stood  for  the  restriction  of  arma- 
ments provided  her  own  naval  superiority  be  preserved 
in  the  present  proportions.  Germans  believe,  probably 
falsely,  that  before  making  such  a  proposition  England 
hastily  ordered  the  laying  of  the  keels  of  three  new  bat- 
tle-ships which  in  the  ordinary  course  of  events  would  not 
have  been  begun  until  later.  At  any  rate  England  leads 
in  the  matter  of  supplying  other  countries  with  deadly 
instruments  of  war  and  her  attitude  is  not  unlike  that  of 
her  own  rich  beer-brewing  families  to  the  temperance 
question.  They  preach  against  the  use  of  alcohol,  but 
go  on  deriving  their  income  from  it.  The  largest  fac- 
tory of  Whitehead  torpedoes  is  at  Fiume,  in  Austria; 
Armstrong  and  Vickers  have  branches  in  Italy  and  sup- 
ply that  government  with  naval  guns ;  while  the  British 
Engineers'  Association,  with  a  capital  of  $350,000,000, 
is  endeavoring  to  corner  the  trade  of  the  world  in  fire- 
arms. England  introduced  dreadnaughts  and  not  only 
builds  them  for  herself  but  also  furnishes  them  on  de- 


niand  to  Japan  and  South  America.  With  a  cannon 
factory  on  the  Volga  and  an  arsenal  equipped  by  Arm- 
strong and  Vickers  on  the  Golden  Horn,  England  has 
fairly  fattened  of  late  on  war.  By  building  the  first 
dreadnaught,  indeed,  she  did  herself  a  poor  service. 
Previously  Germany  was  out  of  the  running  as  regards 
the  number  of  ships;  now,  where  only  dreadnaughts 
count,  she  is  becoming  a  good  second.  Was  there  not 
something  more  than  naivete  in  Sir  Edward  Grey's 
serious  proposal  that  Germany  and  England  should  re- 
strict the  number  of  their  battle-ships  but  always  pre- 
serve the  proportion  of  ten  to  six  in  England's  favor? 
We  have  here,  I  think,  the  whole  gist  of  the  differences 
between  the  two  countries.  England  has  steadily  pre- 
served her  attitude  of  superiority  everywhere  its  basis 
was  disappearing.  She  has  been  jealous  of  Germany's 
commerce,  of  her  colonial  progress.  These  Germans  are 
to  England  upstarts  who  need  to  be  kept  in  their  place 
and  are  not  to  be  allowed  to  have  a  word  in  the  larger 
world-policies.  Almost  every  Englishman  feels  that  a 
German  is  his  social  inferior.  Such  assumptions  pro- 
voke bumptiousness  and  self-assertion,  which,  I  do  not 
deny,  have  at  times  been  evidenced.  Just  before  this 
war  broke  out,  indeed,  the  feeling  of  mutual  antagonism 
seemed  to  be  lessening.  The  English  fleet  was  wel- 

The  Kaiser  with  the  Biirgemeister  of  Aix-la-Chapelle  on  the  Balcony  of  the  Town  Hall 

The    Emperor   at    Maneuvers 

Duke  Albert  of  Wiirttemberg 

Prince  Rnpprecht  of  Bavaria 

Grand   Duke   Frederick   II   of   Baden 

THE  WAR  17 

corned  at  Kiel,  the  English  trade  delegation  in  Berlin. 
The  press  of  both  countries  had  softened  and  sweetened. 
As  for  England's  present  alliance  with  Russia  against 
Germany,  it  is  the  most  monumental  act  of  folly  in 
modern  history.  Has  Britannia  been  attacked  by  sclero- 
sis? At  home  a  maudlin  sentiment  keeps  her  from  en- 
forcing obedience  to  her  laws  and  abroad  she  allows  her 
real  enemies  to  pull  her  about  by  the  nose.  It  is  as 
though  in  the  middle  ages  a  Henry  or  an  Edward  had 
joined  hands  with  a  Genghis  Khan  or  a  Timour  the  Tar- 
tar. Can  England  gain  anything  whatever  by  humili- 
ating Germany  and  furthering  Pan-Slavism?  A  little 
commercial  advantage,  possibly,  though  America  will 
be  correspondingly  strengthened  and  the  final  result  will 
be  no  better.  Britannia,  wake  up!  It  is  less  far  from 
the  Mediterranean  to  the  Atlantic  than  it  is  from  the 
Black  Sea  to  the  Mediterranean.  Gibraltar  will  soon  be 
as  irksome  to  Pan- Slavism  as  are  now  the  forts  on  the 
Dardanelles.  Your  own  race  is  made  up  mainly  of 
Angles  and  Saxons — all  your  ideals,  all  your  real  in- 
terests are  far  closer  to  those  of  the  Germans  than  they 
are  to  those  of  the  Russians.  The  time  may  come,  and 
very  soon,  when  you  are  only  too  glad  to  throw  yourself 
around  Germany's  neck  and  beg  her  aid  in  opposing  the 
hordes  from  the  East.  In  Russia's  wake  are  your  allies, 

the  Japanese,  who  now  for  the  first  time  have  taken  a 
hand  in  European  affairs.  Japan  has  been  likened  by 
a  bright  American  girl  to  a  man  who  has  never  been  in- 
vited to  dinner  in  certain  circles  but  who  at  last  has  in- 
vited himself  and  simply  can  not  be  turned  out  of  the 

Germany,  though  drawn  into  the  matter  merely  by 
the  plain  terms  of  her  alliance  with  Austria,  stands  vir- 
tually alone,  for  Italy  is  faithless  and  Austria,  as  usual, 
is  only  half  prepared.  We  may  see  a  recurrence  of 
those  exciting  days  when  for  seven  years  Frederick  the 
Great  of  Prussia — of  a  Prussia  less  than  half  the  size 
that  it  is  now — held  his  own  not  only  against  the  great 
powers  of  Europe  but  against  the  rest  of  Germany  as 
well.  The  help  that  he  had  from  England  was  not 
greater  than  may  be  expected  from  Austria  to-day,  and 
even  the  English  deserted  him  at  last.  Again  and  again 
Frederick  risked,  even  as  our  contemporary  Hohenzol- 
lern  is  likely  to  do,  le  tout  pour  le  tout.  And  like  Fred- 
erick, I  think  that  William,  because  of  better  equip- 
ment, better  discipline  and  better  strategy,  is  likely  to 
prevail  even  over  the  many  millions  arrayed  against  him. 

England  to-day  throws  the  whole  blame  for  the  ter- 
rible war  on  Germany,  who  was  lukewarm,  so  England 
declares,  in  counseling  Austria  not  to  let  her  strained 
relations  with  Servia  develop  into  war;  and  in  the  Eng- 

THE  WAR  19 

lish  press  at  least  there  are  no  words  too  scathing  for  the 
violation  by  Germany  of  Belgium  neutrality.  The  av- 
erage Englishman,  I  am  sure,  considers  that  the  reason 
for  England  joining  in  the  struggle.  Yet  what  are  we 
to  think  of  Sir  Edward  Grey's  own  words  in  the  "Cor- 
respondence respecting  the  European  Crisis"  laid  before 
the  Houses  of  Parliament  and  received  here  from  Lon- 
don August  twenty-fifth. 

July  31. — The  German  ambassador  asked  me  to  urge  the  Russian 
government  to  show  good-will  in  the  discussions  and  to  suspend  their 
military  preparations.  ...  I  informed  the  German  ambassa- 
dor that,  as  regards  military  preparations,  I  did  not  see  how  Russia 
could  be  urged  to  suspend  them  unless  some  limit  were  put  by 
Austria  to  the  advance  of  her  troops  into  Servia. 

August  1. — I  told  the  German  ambassador  to-day  ...  if 
there  were  a  violation  of  the  neutrality  of  Belgium  by  one  combatant 
while  the  other  respected  it  it  would  be  extremely  difficult  to  restrain 
public  feeling  in  this  country.  .  .  .  He  asked  me  whether,  if 
Germany  gave  a  promise  not  to  violate  Belgium  neutrality,  we  would 
engage  to  remain  neutral.  I  replied  that  I  could  not  say  that.  .  .  . 
The  ambassador  pressed  me  as  to  whether  I  could  not  formulate  con- 
ditions on  which  we  would  remain  neutral.  He  even  suggested  that 
the  integrity  of  France  and  her  colonies  might  be  guaranteed.  I 
said  that  I  felt  obliged  to  refuse  definitely  any  promise  to  remain 
neutral  on  similar  terms,  and  I  could  only  say  that  we  must  keep 
our  hands  free. 

So  England,  directly  from  the  first,  took  sides  with 
Servia  in  a  matter  that  concerned  only  Servia  and  Aus- 
tria. She  "could  not  see  how  Russia  could  be  urged  to 


suspend  preparations"  and  would  not,  even  for  the  sake 
of  Belgium,  state  the  terms  on  which  she  would  agree 
to  remain  neutral  in  the  new  German-Russian  mobiliza- 
tion dispute.  Why  Germany  finally  did  violate  Belgian 
neutrality  is  explained  by  a  telegram  from  the  German 
foreign  office  to  the  German  ambassador  in  London, 
Prince  Lichnowsky,  on  August  four.  ...  "Please 
impress  upon  Sir  E.  Grey  that  German  army  could  not 
be  exposed  to  French  attack  across  Belgium,  which  was 
planned  according  to  absolutely  unimpeachable  infor- 
mation. Germany  had  consequently  to  disregard  Bel- 
gian neutrality,  it  being  for  her  a  question  of  life  or 
death  to  prevent  French  advance." 

All  eyes  then  are  likely  for  the  next  few  months  to 
be  fixed  on  the  German  army  and  it  has  seemed  worth 
while  to  me  hastily  to  collect  and  publish  all  the  items 
concerning  the  land,  naval  and  aerial  forces  that  will  be 
of  general  interest  in  America.  No  one  will  look,  I 
hope,  for  much  originality  in  a  work  of  this  kind.  My 
information  is  taken  from  Major  von  Schreibersho fen's 
excellent  book  Das  deutsche  HeerJ  from  Colonel  von 
Bremen's  Das  deutsche  Heer  nach  der  Neuordnung 
von  1913;  from  Lieutenant  Neumann's  LuftscMffe  and 
his  Flugzeuge;  from  Count  Reventlow's  interesting 
Deutschland  zur  See;  Troetsch's  DeutscJiland's  Flotte 
im  Entscheidungskampf  and  Toeche-Mittler :  Die 

THE  WAR  21 

deutsche  Kriegsflotte.  The  three  last  mentioned  works, 
and  also  Von  Bremen's,  are  absolutely  new,  having  been 
published  in  1914;  Schreibershofen's  dates  from  1913. 
The  two  others  have  no  date  but  one  can  see  that  they 
have  appeared  very  recently.  The  large  new  works 
Das  Jahr  1913,  Deutschland  unter  Kaiser  Wilhelm  II, 
and  the  Handbuch  der  Politik  have  also  been  of  use  to 
me.  For  the  last  six  months  I  have  followed  very  care- 
fully in  the  Zeitungs-Archiv  all  the  newspaper  extracts 
bearing  on  our  subject.  The  war  has  doubtless  inter- 
rupted the  publication  of  the  Archiv,  so  that  I  shall  re- 
main "up  to  date"  for  some  little  time  to  come. 



THE  great  military  authority,  Bernhardi,  in  an  article 
in  Das  Jalir  1913,  points  out  various  ways  in  which  mili- 
tary science  has  developed  since  the  Franco-Prussian 
War  and  showrs  how  completely  we  have  had  to  abandon 
many  of  the  conceptions  gained  by  a  study  of  earlier 
campaigns.  Responsible  in  the  main  for  the  changes  are 
the  increased  size  of  the  armies  and  the  new  technical 
inventions  of  our  age. 

Almost  all  the  states  of  continental  Europe  have  gone 
over  to  the  principle  of  universal  military  service,  with 
the  result  that  the  armies  are  greater  now  in  time  of 
peace  than  ever  before  in  time  of  war,  and  that  when 
mobilization  is  called  for  and  the  reserves  are  summoned, 
the  number  of  men  in  the  field  amounts  to  millions.  The 
first  result  has  been  that  far  other  means  of  transporting 
and  concentrating  such  masses  have  to  be  employed  than 
used  to  be  the  case  and  that  networks  of  railroads  have 
had  to  be  built  for  purely  strategic  purposes.  In  the 
maneuvers  that  were  to  have  taken  place  this  coming 
autumn  at  Minister  in  Germany  it  had  been  intended  to 
make  a  record  in  the  matter  of  quick  transportation  and 
to  dispose  of  120,000  men  in  the  course  of  a  single  morn- 


Arrival  of  Recruits 

The  Field  Kitchen 

THE  ARMY  23 

ing  without  interrupting  the  regular  passenger  traffic. 
The  old  method  of  victualing  armies,  too,  has  had  to  be 
changed,  for  it  is  impossible  for  such  hordes  to  nourish 
themselves  by  what  they  chance  to  find  in  the  enemy's 
country.  Problems  of  another  kind  have  arisen.  Mod- 
ern armies  are  composed  of  regulars  and  reservists  alike : 
the  reservists  are  not  so  hardened  as  the  regulars  and 
often  not  so  efficient,  so  that  it  has  become  a  custom  to 
distribute  them  in  such  a  way  as  to  achieve  the  best  re- 
sults. As  a  rule,  the  regulars  must  be  spared  for  de- 
cisive actions  and  reservists  must  occasionally  be  sacri- 
ficed, apparently  needlessly.  There  may  be  cases,  for 
instance,  where  the  reserves  must  expose  themselves  to 
a  murderous  fire  while  the  regulars  are  engaged  in  the 
more  difficult  but  less  dangerous  task  of  cutting  off  the 
enemy's  line  of  retreat. 

Technical  improvements,  such  as  the  longer  range  and 
quicker  fire  of  the  guns,  swifter  means  of  communica- 
tion and  of  signaling  and  the  like,  not  to  speak  of  other 
considerations  due  to  experience,  have  so  changed  the  old 
tactics  that  a  line  of  battle  is  now  more  than  ten  times  as 
long  as  it  was  only  a  few  years  ago.  At  Sadowa,  with 
215,000  men,  the  Austrians  had  a  front  of  only  10  kilo- 
meters; at  Mukden  the  attacking  line  of  the  Japanese, 
who  had  only  170,000  men,  extended  for  110  kilometers. 
"The  broken  line,"  writes  Bernhardi,  "is  to-day  the  only 


battle  formation  of  the  infantry."  To-day,  officers  and 
men  fight  in  trenches  and  take  every  advantage  of  the 
inequalities  of  the  ground;  in  1870  it  was  considered 
disgraceful  to  take  such  advantages  and  the  officers 
stood  erect  in  the  most  deadly  fire.  In  consequence  of 
the  length  of  the  lines  a  check  in  one  quarter  is  no  longer 
so  serious  a  matter  as  it  used  to  be;  a  modern  battle  is 
a  succession  of  single  engagements  of  which  the  victor 
only  needs  to  win  a  good  majority.  The  commander 
no  longer  takes  up  a  position,  as  Napoleon  did  at  Leip- 
zig, where  he  can  oversee  the  whole  field  of  operations; 
the  best  place  for  him  is  some  railroad  junction  or  cen- 
tral telephone  station,  with  wireless  and  ordinary  tele- 
graph equipment,  where  messages  can  constantly  be 
sent  and  received,  and  to  and  from  which  he  can  despatch 
troops,  automobiles,  motor-wagons  or  aeroplanes.  One 
of  the  chief  modern  problems  is  supplying  sufficient 
ammunition  for  quick-firing  guns — the  baggage  trains 
must  not  be  so  long  as  to  hinder  the  advance  of  the 
troops,  yet  where  there  are  many  guns  and  each  shoots 
off  hundreds  of  shots  a  minute,  great  quantities  of  am- 
munition are  needed. 

I  have  spoken  of  military  service  being  almost  uni- 
versally compulsory  in  Europe.  This  means  that  every 
man  of  a  certain  age  and  with  the  requisite  health  and 
strength  is  obliged  to  report  for  duty.  It  has  not  hither- 


Giving  Orders 

THE  ARMY  25 

to  meant  that  every  eligible  recruit  was  obliged  to  serve. 
In  Germany  a  large  contingent,  even  of  the  capable, 
was  formerly  excused.  In  1910,  for  instance,  nearly 
235,000  were  declared  more  or  less  unfit  for  service,  al- 
though in  France  they  would  probably  nearly  all  have 
been  accepted.  By  the  German  army  bills  of  1911,  1912 
and  1913  indeed  the  numbers  of  those  required  for  act- 
ive service  were  steadily  increased:  9,482  in  the  first 
named  year,  some  29,000  in  the  second,  and  then  the 
great  increase  of  63,000  in  the  third.  But  there  were 
still,  up  to  the  present  mobilization,  some  thirty  thou- 
sand able-bodied  recruits  who  could  not  be  placed. 

In  the  Prussian  military-service  law  of  1814,  and 
again  in  the  constitution  of  the  Xorth  German  Confed- 
eration of  1867,  the  principle  was  laid  down  that  the 
army  should  consist  of  one  per  cent,  of  the  population. 
This  had  long  been  disregarded  as  the  population  in- 
creased, and  the  proportion  had  sunk  as  low  as  eight- 
tenths  of  one  per  cent.  It  has  now  been  raised  to  a  little 
over  the  original  figure.  The  population  as  given  offi- 
cially in  1913  was  64,925,993,  while  the  number  of  com- 
mon soldiers  (I  quote  the  figures  given  by  Stavenhagen 
in  the  Handbuch  der  Politik)  was  647,811.* 

*  It  may  be  worth  giving  the  exact  strength  of  the  German  army  on  October 
1,  1913:  Total  790,788  and  157,816  horses.  Of  these:  officers,  30,253;  sanitary 
officers,  2,483;  veterinaries,  865;  non-commissioned  officers,  104,377;  common 
soldiers,  647,811.  (Infantry,  515,216;  cavalry,  85,593;  field  artillery,  126,042; 
sappers  and  miners,  24,010 ;  communication  troops,  18,949 ;  army  service,  1 1,592. ) 

The  cost  of  the  German  army  has  been  enormous- 
more  than  twenty-five  billion  marks  between  1872  and 
1910,  and  in  1913  alone,  1,608,653,300  marks.  The  ex- 
traordinary defense  contribution  for  1913,  1914  and 
1915,  a  tax,  not  on  income  but  on  capital  direct,  is  esti- 
mated to  bring  nearly  1,300,000,000  marks.  Strange  to 
say,  the  tax  was  very  popular — every  party  in  the 
Reichstag  voted  for  it,  even  the  social  democrats,  whose 
delight  in  a  measure  that  fell  most  heavily  on  the  rich 
(small  properties  were  exempted)  made  them  swallowr 
the  fact  that  the  money  was  for  national  and  military 
purposes.  The  yearly  sums  that  the  sudden  increase  in 
the  army  entails  are  to  be  paid  by  a  curious  tax  on  the 
increase  of  property  value  to  be  estimated  every  three 

The  estimates  as  to  how  much  the  army  numbers  when 
on  a  war  footing  varies  between  two  and  three-fourths 
millions  and  four  millions.  Austria's  army,  on  paper  at 
least,  numbers  380,000  men  in  time  of  peace,  which  num- 
ber gradually  was  to  have  risen  to  410,000  in  the  next 
few  years.  In  war-time  it  is  estimated  at  1,300,000  men. 
Curiously  enough  Italy,  with  a  peace  army  of  only  300,- 
000,  estimates  her  war  army  officially  at  3,400,000,  or 
about  as  much  as  either  Germany  or  France. 

For  the  armies  of  the  Triple  Entente  we  have  an  esti- 
mate published  by  the  Deutsche  Tageszeitung  in  Jan- 

Military  Telephone  Station 

Putting  up   Campaign    Tents 

THE  ARMY  27 

uary,  1914,  which  is  worth  quoting  at  some  length,  as  it 
is  from  a  well-known  military  writer,  Lieutenant 
Colonel  von  Bremen: 

"The  basis  of  France's  military  increase  in  1913  is  the  reintroduc- 
tion  of  the  three  years'  term  of  service.  By  retaining  these  third- 
year  men  the  peace-showing  is  increased  by  almost  a  third.  This  year 
1 85,000  men  are  to  be  called  in.  The  peace  strength  of  the  French 
army  will,  from  the  autumn  of  1916  on,  amount  to  33,000  officers  and 
officials  and  some  833,000  men,  while  up  to  that  period  we  can 
reckon  with  780,000  men.  One  must  add  to  this,  28,000  gendarmes, 
customs  and  forest  officials,  who  likewise  belong  to  the  territorial 
army  (like  the  Landwehr).  In  Germany  we  have  for  1913  and 
1914,  counting  officers,  non-commissioned  officers  and  men,  802,000, 
to  which,  in  1915,  will  be  added  13,000  men.  Deducting  from  the 
present  strength  of  both  armies  the  mere  laborers  who  have  to  do 
with  supplies,  etc.,  Germany's  peace  force  is  momentarily  the  higher, 
but  not  if  we  reckon  France's  gendarmerie,  etc.  Counting  in  this, 
France,  with  40,000,000  inhabitants,  has  a  larger  army  in  time  of 
peace  than  Germany,  with  65,000,000.  The  French  army  has  fur- 
ther advantages  in  the  longer  training  and  in  the  increased  readiness 
for  war.  The  troops  covering  the  eastern  frontiers  have  two  hun- 
dred men  to  a  company  (four-fifths  of  the  war  strength)  and  even 
at  the  time  when  the  recruits  are  being  mustered  in,  one  hundred 
forty  trained  men ;  while  our  companies  at  the  same  time  can  dispose 
of  only  half  so  strong  a  number.  And  what  it  means  in  case  of  war 
to  have  at  hand  two  fully  trained  years'  contingents  (especially  in 
the  cavalry)  during  the  period  of  training  the  recruits  is  self-evident. 
Further  advantages  in  the  French  army  lie  in  the  longer  training  of 
the  inactive  officers  and  in  the  good  provision  for  officers  and  non- 
commissioned officers.  In  the  house  of  deputies  negotiations  are 
pending  regarding  advancement  regulations  tending  to  lower  the 
age  limit  of  the  whole  body  of  officers.  And,  above  all,  it  has  been 


made  possible  to  create  a  new,  twenty-first  army  corps.  So  we  see 
that  France,  in  1913,  has  made  a  very  great  step  forward. 

The  Russian  armaments  of  1913  are  also  significant.  The  most 
important  event  was  the  appearance  in  October  of  the  draft  of  a 
law  to  prolong  the  term  of  active  service  by  three  months  and  that  in 
the  decisive  time  from  January  first  (fourteenth)  to  April  first 
(fourteenth).  As  in  Russia,  the  recruits  are  called  in  at  latest  by 
November  fifteenth.  Russia  will,  until  spring,  still  have  under  arms, 
besides  the  recruits,  the  trained  contingents  of  three  years  in  the  in- 
fantry— four,  indeed,  in  the  cavalry.  That  considerably  increases 
her  readiness  for  war.  And  in  addition  to  lengthening  the  term  of 
service  the  number  of  recruits  is  still  further  increased  by  twenty 
thousand  men.  The  momentary  military  strength  of  the  Russian 
empire  is  about  one  and  one-half  millions,  of  which  about  1,200,000 
concern  Europe  (thirty  army  corps  and  twenty-four  cavalry  di- 
visions). But  already  for  1914  we  can  reckon  on  the  formation  of 
from  two  to  three  new  army  corps  and  on  a  considerable  increase  of 
the  artillery  by  at  least  forty  batteries,  for  which  purpose  three  hun- 
dred twenty  million  marks  have  been  called  for.  To  make  mobiliza- 
tion speedier  and  to  facilitate  the  march  to  the  west  boundary  rail- 
roads are  to  be  built.  The  estimates  for  this  are  about  two  hundred 
sixty  million  marks.  The  following  stretches  are  under  considera- 
tion: 1.  Nowogeorgiewsk  to  Plozk  on  the  Vistula.  2.  Cholm — 
Tomoschow — Belzek.  3.  Schepetowka — Proskurow — Larga.  In  ad- 
dition a  number  of  lines  are  planned  of  which  one  is  to  encircle  our 
province  of  East  Prussia.  Along  the  German  frontier,  too,  the  erec- 
tion of  wireless  stations  has  energetically  been  taken  in  hand.  Like- 
wise they  have  begun  to  modernize  their  fort  and  field  artillery. 
Side  by  side  with  these  endeavors  go  intended  improvements  in  mili- 
tary education  and  training  and  organized  changes  in  the  situation 
of  the  officers'  corps  and  general  staff  in  the  way  of  raising  salaries 
and  of  quicker  advancement.  Thus  for  the  Russian  army,  too,  and 
its  capacity  for  service  the  year  1913  is  to  be  looked  upon  as 

Furthest  in  arrears  of  the  armies  of  the  Triple  Entente  is  the 

The  Crown  Prince 

The  Crown  Prince  at  Mess 

THE  ARMY  29 

English,  which  made  no  progress  worth  speaking  of  in  1913.  Eng- 
land in  her  war  plans  against  us  long  reckoned  with  landing  an  army 
of  invasion  on  our  coast.  The  idea  has  been  given  up  because  it  was 
declared  that  probably  the  weak,  active  army  would  be  more  needed 
elsewhere,  especially  as  its  maximum  of  about  130,000  men  could 
not  play  a  decisive  part  against  the  millions-of-men  armies  of  Ger- 
many. Nor  has  the  "territorial  army,"  destined  for  protection  at 
home,  shown  any  progress ;  of  its  required  strength  there  were  still 
lacking  in  October,  1913,  seventy  thousand  men  and  all  efforts  to 
bring  it  to  the  intended  height  of  314,000  men  have  failed.  The 
thought  of  tunnel  connection  with  France,  however,  in  spite  of  the 
dislike  of  the  Britisher,  so  proud  of  the  isolation  the  sea  offers  him, 
has  found  more  adherents  than  was  formerly  the  case. 

If  now  we  draw  our  conclusions  from  our  military  review  of  the 
year  1913  the  armaments  of  Austria  and  Italy  on  the  one  hand  and 
Russia  and  England  on  the  other  are  insignificant  as  compared  with 
those  of  Germany  and  France.  The  two  latter  remain  well  in  the 
foreground,  and  indeed  in  a  European  war,  too,  it  is  they  who  first 
and  foremost  would  have  to  try  conclusions  with  each  other. 

These  observations,  made  by  an  expert  at  the  begin- 
ning of  1914,  are  exceedingly  interesting  in  view  of 
what  is  now  going  on.  Since  Von  Bremen  wrote,  how- 
ever, there  have  been  several  interesting  developments. 
In  February  it  became  known  that  of  the  French  soldiers 
no  less  than  265,000  had  died,  were  on  the  sick-list,  or 
had  been  discharged  during  the  previous  month.  The 
explanation  is,  that  in  order  to  raise  the  figures  even 
the  poorest  kind  of  material  had  been  accepted,  that  old 
unhealthy  barracks  were  overcrowded  and  that  new  ones 
had  been  occupied  while  the  plaster  was  still  wet  on  the 

walls;  that  the  army  was  short  of  physicians  to  the  extent 
of  many  hundreds.  An  official  note  in  a  Paris  paper  de- 
clares that  two-thirds  of  the  recruits  arrive  in  a  tubercu- 
lous condition.  Together  with  these  revelations  comes 
a  book,  by  a  French  military  aeronaut,  complaining  of 
the  utter  neglect  of  the  air  fleet,  and  declaring  that  at 
the  moment  France  has  not  one  serviceable  hydroplane. 
The  whole  appropriation  for  air-ships  in  connection  with 
the  navy  was  but  400,000  francs  in  1913,  as  compared 
with  millions  appropriated  by  the  rival  powers.  At  the 
same  time  come  revelations  regarding  the  regular  navy 
itself.  Although  there  are  nine  dreadnaughts  building, 
but  two  are  ready,  and  no  cruisers. 

In  March  appeared  the  "general  annual  report  of  the 
British  army,"  published  by  the  War  Office,  which 
showed  that  Von  Bremen's  statement  as  to  the  shortage 
of  men  was  not  only  not  exaggerated  but  greatly  under- 
estimated. The  regular  army  is  9,211  men  short,  the  ter- 
ritorial army  66,969,  the  special  reserve  29,370.  The 
explanation  lies  in  the  greater  attractiveness  of  the  navy 
and  in  the  high  emigration  figures  (178,468  males  in 

In  April  we  hear  of  great  appropriations  in  Austria 
both  for  the  army  and  the  navy.  Official  estimates  place 
the  strength  of  the  army  at  390,250  men,  but  a  German 
critic  points  out  that  of  these  60,000  are  Landwelir,  or  re- 

Rear  Guard  in  Ambush 

Artillery  Patrol 

THE  ARMY  31 

serves,  and  ought  not  to  be  counted.  There  is  to  be  a 
yearly  increase  of  31,300  recruits,  but  the  measure  is  not 
to  take  full  effect  until  1918.  For  the  navy,  427,000,000 
kronen  are  appropriated,  of  which  4,000,000  are  to  go 
for  military  air-ships;  but  the  expenditures  are  to  be 
extended  over  a  period  of  five  years.  It  has  been  Aus- 
tria's fate  throughout  the  centuries  always  to  be  several 
years  behind. 

In  June,  finally,  we  learn  that  Russia  has  set  aside 
for  military  expenditures  in  1914  alone  the  monstrous 
sum  of  2,500,000,000  marks,  and  by  1916  will  have 
added  400,000  men — more  than  Austria's  whole  force — 
to  her  standing  army,  which  will  amount,  in  the  winter 
months  at  least,  to  2,200,000  men.  "Characteristic," 
writes  the  Tdgliche  Rundschau  in  commenting  on  it,  "is 
the  strengthening  of  the  western  boundary-strip  and  the 
improvement  of  the  strategic  network  of  railroads  in 
order  to  hasten  the  forwarding  of  troops."  On  the  other 
hand,  attention  is  drawn  in  the  Danziger  Zeitung  to  the 
fact  that  Russia  has  at  the  moment  in  the  Baltic  but  four 
battle-ships,  all  old-fashioned,  although  by  1915  it  is 
hoped  to  have  ready  four  dreadnaughts. 

We  shall  hear  much  in  the  next  few  months  of  in- 
fantry and  cavalry,  of  field  artillery  and  foot  artillery, 
of  pioneers,  of  Verkclirstruppen  or  communication 

troops,  and  of  the  Train  or  transport  division.  I  there- 
fore preface  this  section  with  the  definition  of  these 
terms  given  by  a  staff  officer  in  the  newest  book  of  in- 
structions for  the  one-year  volunteers. 

The  infantry  represent  the  main  troops  of  the  army.  Their  value 
lies  in  their  endurance  when  marching,  in  their  correct  shooting  and 
in  their  brave  dashing  against  the  enemy.  The  infantry  is  armed 
with  the  ninety-eight  gun  and  bayonet;  the  sword-knot  non-commis- 
sioned officers  (Portepeeunteroffiziere) ,  battalion-drummers  and  am- 
bulance-men carry  revolvers. 

To  the  infantry  belong  the  sharpshooter  battalions  (Jagerba- 
taillone),  the  guard  sharpshooter  battalion  (Garde jagerbataillon} 
and  the  guard  rifle-battalion  (Gardeschiitzenbataillon}.  The  infan- 
trymen are  known  as  grenadiers,  musketeers  and  fusileers. 

The  cavalry  is  armed  with  lance,  saber  and  carbine.  Its  chief 
value  is  for  scouting  and  for  precautionary  service,  but  it  is  also  used 
for  riding  down  the  enemy  and  piercing  him  with  the  lance.  The 
cavalry  may  also  dismount  and  fight  on  foot  like  the  infantry.  For 
shooting  it  uses  the  carbine. 

The  cavalry  consists  of  cuirassiers,  uhlans,  hussars,  dragoons  and 
mounted  riflemen.  (In  Saxony  guard-riders  (Gardereiter)  and  car- 
bineers; in  Bavaria  heavy  riders  and  light  horse  (Chevaulegers}.} 

The  field  artillery  is  effective  through  the  swiftness  with  which  it 
rides  up  and  through  the  certainty  of  aim  of  its  quick-firing  guns. 
The  field  artillery  carries  batteries  of  cannon  for  firing  against 
visible  goals  and  light  howitzer  batteries,  for  shooting  at  objects  be- 
hind cover  and  for  demolishing  light  field  fortifications.  The  drivers 
carry  a  sword  and  revolver,  the  cannoneers  a  dagger  and  revolver. 
Every  man  of  the  horse-drawn  division  is  mounted  and  carries  sword 
and  revolver. 

The  foot  artillery  has  to  serve  the  fort  and  siege  artillery  as  well 
as  the  heavy  artillery  guns  of  the  field  army;  in  attacking  a  fortress 
it  must  silence  the  enemy's  heavy  fort  guns  and  make  breaches  in  the 

Floating  the  Pontoons 

Machine  Guns  Being  Loaded  on  Pontoons 

THE  ARMY  33 

fortifications;  when  defending  it  must  overcome  the  enemy's  heavy 
siege  guns.  The  men  are  called  cannoneers;  they  carry  the  carbine 
and  the  ninety-eight  bayonet. 

The  pioneers  see  to  the  throwing  up  of  entrenchments,  the  build- 
ing and  destroying  of  bridges,  obstructions,  etc. ;  they  are  armed  like 
the  infantrymen. 

The  communication  troops  consist  of  the  railroad  regiments,  which 
in  time  of  war  have  to  see  to  the  building  and  running  of  railroads ; 
of  the  telegraph  battalions,  which  put  up  telegraph  lines;  of  the 
fortress  telephone  companies,  which  attend  to  all  telephone  matters 
in  the  fortress ;  of  the  air-ship  and  aeroplane  battalions,  who  are  en- 
trusted with  spying  out  the  land  and  the  enemy's  positions  by  means 
of  balloons,  air-ships  and  aeroplanes. 

The  communication  troops  are  armed  like  the  infantry. 

The  transport  service  (Train)  supplies  every  kind  of  column  of 
the  army  with  bridge  materials,  food,  ammunition,  etc.  Its  weapons 
are  swords,  carbines  and  revolvers. 

It  is  not  worth  while  here  to  enter  into  the  question  of 
uniforms.  In  time  of  peace  the  blue  coats  and  red  col- 
lars of  the  infantry,  the  varied  colored  attilas  and  fur 
caps  of  the  hussars,  the  helms  with  the  flying  eagles  of 
the  guards,  the  tresses,  the  gleaming  epaulettes,  the 
scarves,  the  waving  plumes,  are  all  interesting  enough, 
especially  to  the  other  sex;  but  in  war  that  is  all  laid 
aside.  In  order  to  be  as  invisible  as  possible  to  the 
enemy  all  categories  of  troops  wear  the  same  ashen 
gray — a  comparatively  recent  adaptation  of  the  prin- 
ciple of  protective  coloring. 

In  the  German  army  the  cavalry  is  merely  an  adjunct 
of  the  infantry.  It  is  the  infantry  which  decides  battles 


— not  the  cavalry,  not  even  the  artillery.  However,  the 
infantry  of  to-day  is  something  very  different  from  the 
infantry  of  the  eighteenth  and  even  from  that  of  a 
great  part  of  the  nineteenth  century.  German  military 
writers  acknowledge  that  the  world  learned  new  tactics 
from  the  sharpshooters  and  riflemen  of  the  American 
war  of  the  rebellion.  The  whole  modern  battle  forma- 
tion rests  on  the  idea  of  giving  more  play  to  the  indi- 
vidual. In  spite  of  the  technical  progress  that  has  made 
of  armies  great  machines,  more  weight  than  ever  before 
is  laid  on  quick  judgment,  on  good  shooting,  on  physical 
bravery  and  endurance.  I  know  that  an  idea  quite  con- 
trary to  this  prevails,  that  many  consider  war  reduced 
to  the  art  of  setting  off  the  greatest  quantities  of  ex- 
plosives within  a  given  time.  But  this  is  very  far  from 
the  truth.  The  battles  of  the  past  were  of  much  shorter 
duration  than  are  those  of  the  present.  Wagram  was 
won  in  two  hours,  Mukden  took  three  days. 

One  learns  to  adapt  one's  self  even  to  quick-firing 
guns  and  incredible  rifle-ranges.  It  has  been  math- 
ematically demonstrated  that,  with  the  rifles  now  in  the 
hands  of  the  German  infantry,  a  bullet  fired  from  a  dis- 
tance of  three  hundred  yards  will  pass  right  through  five 
men  standing  closely  one  behind  the  other  and  lodge  in 
the  body  of  the  sixth.  But  men  in  battle  line  no  longer 
stand  closely  one  behind  the  other,  nor  even  closely  side 


Infantry  Embarking 

THE  ARMY  35 

by  side.  Even  in  what  is  considered  a  thick  firing  line 
they  stand  about  three  feet  apart. 

I  have  said  that  the  modern  idea  is  to  give  more  play 
to  the  individual.  Within  certain  limits  the  men  choose 
their  own  position,  find  the  proper  rests  for  their  rifles, 
get  each  the  range  for  himself,  determine  the  speed  of 
their  own  fire  and  use  their  own  judgment  in  the  econ- 
omizing of  ammunition.  They  are  expected  to  advance 
according  as  they  see  their  opportunity. 

A  glance  at  the  methods  of  training  the  infantry  will 
give  some  idea  of  the  care  and  thoroughness  with  which 
the  Germans  have  made  their  preparations  for  war.  The 
old  drill  has  not  been  entirely  abandoned — indeed,  some 
military  critics  think  that  there  is  still  too  much  of  the 
goose-step  marching  and  of  the  parade  tricks.  But  these 
have  lost  their  old  importance  and  the  tendency  of  late 
jrears  is  toward  the  most  realistic  representation  of  the 
circumstances  and  problems  of  actual  combat.  The  pa- 
rade-ground has  given  place  to  the  maneuvering  field, 
acres  and  miles  in  extent.  For  the  first  time  in  Ger- 
many, this  autumn,  whole  army  corps  were  to  have  en- 
gaged in  mock  combat  with  one  another. 

In  the  ordinary  rifle  practise  the  men  are  taught  first 
to  shoot  well  individually,  then  in  groups  and  detach- 
ments, next  in  whole  troops  and  companies  and  finally 
in  conjunction  with  cavalry  and  artillery.  They  are 

made  to  adapt  themselves  to  the  most  unfamiliar  and  un- 
usual surroundings.  Even  the  targets  are  of  the  most 
varied  description :  targets  that  fall  to  the  ground  when 
hit,  targets  that  burst,  targets  surrounded  by  smoking 
objects  or  colored  fires  so  that  there  will  be  some  of  the 
semblance  of  battle,  fixed  targets  and  targets  that  move 
or  that  float  in  the  air,  targets  that  have  been  lying  flat  on 
the  ground  but  that  suddenly  appear  here  and  there  like 
an  enemy  issuing  from  the  bushes.  The  rifleman  must 
learn  never  to  be  surprised  at  anything,  but  to  keep  his 
eyes  open  in  all  directions. 

The  German  army  rifle  is  of  a  type  first  introduced 
in  1888,  and  so  much  improved  in  1898  that  it  is  now 
known  as  the  ninety-eight  gun.  All  the  infantry 
carry  the  same,  for  there  is  no  longer  any  essential 
distinction  between  musketeers,  fusileers  and  grena- 
diers. It  is  a  quick-loading  rifle  which  renders  it  pos- 
sible to  take  aim  and  shoot  as  many  as  twenty-five 
times  a  minute.  The  caliber  is  seven  and  nine-tenths 
millimeters,  a  fact  which  may  not  at  first  seem  to  the 
American  reader  of  great  importance,  but  which  be- 
comes more  interesting  when  it  is  realized  that  this  is 
the  smallest  caliber  which  will  inflict  sufficient  injury  on 
an  enemy  to  make  its  use  profitable.  In  other  words,  if 
it  does  not  kill  him  at  once  it  will  put  him  out  of  the  fight 
and  keep  him  out  for  a  reasonable  time.  It  was  found 

Cannon   for   Shooting  Airships 

Combination    Hydro    and   Aeroplane 

THE  ARMY  37 

in  the  Russian- Japanese  War  that  a  smaller  bullet  could, 
and  in  a  number  of  cases  did,  pass  through  a  foeman's 
body  without  rendering  him  liors  de  combat,  and  that 
no  less  than  forty  per  cent,  of  all  wounded  were  back 
with  their  troops  in  three  months. 

There  are  Maxim  rifles  which  can  fire  as  many  as  a 
hundred  shots  a  minute  and  which  have  other  advantages 
too ;  but  the  German  government  is  well  satisfied  with  its 
own  gun,  considers  it  superior  to  that  of  any  of  its 
neighbors'  and  has  never  seriously  considered  the  ques- 
tion of  changing.  It  has  a  smokeless  powder,  the  process 
of  manufacture  of  which  is  a  carefully  guarded  secret. 

A  recent  innovation  is  the  supplying  of  the  infantry 
— for  that  matter  of  the  cavalry  also — with  so-called 
machine  guns.  They  are  the  Catling  guns  of  our  own 
country,  and  every  German  infantry  regiment  now — 
since  the  arm}7  reform  of  1913 — has  a  machine-gun  com- 
pany. It  consists  of  ninety  men  and  forty  horses,  with 
six  guns  and  three  ammunition  wagons.  As  the  newest 
guns  can  fire  at  the  rate  of  six  hundred  shots  a  minute, 
and  as  there  are  more  than  two  hundred  infantry  regi- 
ments, not  to  speak  of  the  cavalry  and  artillery,  which 
also  have  their  companies  of  "Gatlings,"  one  can  gain 
some  impression  of  the  deadliness  of  modern  campaign- 
ing. Many  of  the  quick-firing  guns  now  are  supplied 
with  stands  on  pivots  so  that  they  can  be  pointed  in  the 


air  against  balloons  and  aeroplanes.  But  their  chief  use 
will  be  in  guarding  bridges  and  narrow  passes.  Their 
bullets  carry  for  two  miles,  but  they  can  be  silenced  by 
heavy  artillery  far  beyond  this  range,  nor  can  they  carry 
enough  ammunition  for  long-continued  use.  Alto- 
gether, however,  a  comparison  of  their  fire  with  the  sim- 
ple flames  of  the  traditional  hell  makes  the  latter  place 
seem  a  mere  pleasure -resort. 

The  training  of  a  soldier  has  of  late  years  become 
more  and  more  humane  and  rational,  and  is  no  longer 
confined  to  manning  guns,  shooting  rifles  and  per- 
forming long  marches.  Those  Germans  with  whom  I 
have  spoken  on  the  subject  look  back  to  their  term  of 
service  with  pleasure,  and  my  general  conviction  is  that 
the  army  in  time  of  peace  is  the  most  perfect  educa- 
tional institution  in  existence.  With  school  learning 
every  boy  when  he  comes  to  "serve"  is  more  or  less 
equipped.  What  he  learns  is  esprit  de  corps,  manly 
bearing,  endurance  and  the  feeling  that  his  tasks  must 
be  quickly  and  faultlessly  performed — in  other  words, 
regularity  and  discipline.  The  mere  change  of  sur- 
roundings and  interests  is  a  benefit,  and  the  outlook  on 
the  world  is  immeasurably  broadened.  The  old  argu- 
ment against  compulsory  military  training — that,  name- 
ly, young  men  in  their  best  years  are  withdrawn  from 
productive  work,  does  not  amount  to  much  in  an  age 

Covered  Field  Artillery 

A  Howitzer  Battery  Crossing  a  Pontoon  Bridge 

THE  ARMY  39 

where  the  general  complaint  is  of  overcrowdedness  in 
almost  every  calling  and  profession.  The  German  boy 
does  his  work  all  the  better  for  his  military  training  and 
the  nation  has  thoroughly  adjusted  itself  to  the  falling 
out  of  these  two  years.  There  are  dispensations  for  cases 
where  the  boy's  presence  at  home  is  a  vital  matter  for  the 
support  of  others,  and,  as  a  rule,  a  place  that  he  filled  be- 
fore is  kept  open  for  him  against  his  return. 

One  of  the  pleasantest  recent  developments  has  been 
the  enthusiasm  for  sport  that  had  taken  hold  of  the 
army.  The  authorities  encouraged  it  in  every  way,  for 
it  was  in  keeping  with  the  new  tactics  of  training  the 
individual  to  be  efficient  and  independent.  The  author 
had  the  pleasure  of  attending  the  first  great  military 
athletic  meet  that  has  ever  taken  place.  It  was  held  in 
June,  1914,  in  the  great  stadium  that  has  been  erected 
near  Berlin  for  the  Olympic  games  of  1916,  and  that 
army  which  is  now  fighting  so  strenuously  for  the  very 
existence  of  its  country  was  represented  in  all  its  pomp 
and  glory.  On  an  elevated  terrace  was  the  emperor  with 
his  court.  Next  came  the  logen  or  boxes  which  were 
blue  with  the  uniforms  of  the  officers.  A  large  majority 
of  the  spectators  were  soldiers,  for  whom  whole  section* 
had  been  reserved;  they  marched  in  in  seemingly  un- 
ending lines,  looking  very  neat  in  their  summer  undress 
uniforms.  The  exercises  began  with  gymnastics  or 


turnen.,  to  which,  all  over  Germany,  the  greatest  im- 
portance is  attached.  There  was  the  usual  running, 
jumping  and  throwing  of  weights — with  us  it  is  a  shot, 
with  them  it  is  a  discus.  There  was  a  cross-country  run 
of  four  miles  which  started  and  ended  in  the  stadium, 
and  in  which  some  fifty  or  sixty  officers  took  part.  It 
was  won  by  a  splendid  young  prince  of  the  royal  house, 
Prince  Frederick  Leopold.  The  best  comment  that  I 
heard  on  him  was  that  he  looked  like  a  first-class  Ameri- 

But  most  interesting  of  all  was  the  obstacle  race  for 
the  common  soldiers.  A  part  of  their  regular  training 
consists  in  climbing  walls  and  trees ;  and  on  their  parade 
grounds  you  will  find  special  tracks  with  ditches,  walls 
and  palisades ;  while  occasionally  the  obstacles  are  of  the 
most  serious  kind — iron  railings  with  twisted  spikes 
through  which  they  must  make  their  way.  In  the  sta- 
dium games  the  soldiers  lined  up  on  the  farther  side  of 
a  great  swimming-pool  that  runs  along  one  end  of  the 
field  below  the  spectators.  At  a  given  signal  they 
plunged  into  the  water,  swam  for  dear  life  to  the  other 
side,  climbed  the  low  protecting  wall  and  were  off  helter- 
skelter  for  the  hurdles  and  other  obstacles.  Behind  one 
of  the  hurdles,  concealed  by  green  boughs,  was  a  slimy 
watery  hole,  but  it  detained  them  but  for  a  moment. 
Across  the  track  a  high  straight  impromptu  wall  was 

Effect  of  Two  Shells  on  a  Six-Foot  Reinforced   Concrete  Wall 

Scaling  Barricades 

THE  ARMY  41 

held  in  place  by  soldiers  and  up  it  all  the  contestants  had 
to  clamber.  One  almost  stuck  at  the  top;  you  watched 
him  breathlessly  to  see  if  he  could  achieve  it,  but  there 
was  no  jeering,  as  I  fear  there  would  have  been  at  home. 
The  whole  race,  in  which  were  some  fifty  or  more  par- 
ticipants, was  run  with  a  wonderful  freshness,  joyous- 
ness  and  what  the  Germans  call  schneidigkeit,  which 
corresponds  to  our  American  slang  expression  "toni- 

Even  in  the  ordinary  practise  on  the  parade-ground 
an  adjutant  keeps  a  record  of  the  time  that  the  soldiers 
need  to  overcome  the  different  obstacles.  Whole  com- 
panies have  to  pass  the  required  tests.  The  whole  thing 
is  already  reduced  to  such  a  system  that  in  war  an  officer 
will  know  to  the  smallest  detail  what  he  can  expect  of 
his  men.  Great  importance  is  attached  to  swimming,  for 
occasions  are  sure  to  arise  in  a  campaign  when  streams 
are  to  be  forded  or  where  the  pontoon  divisions  have 
to  be  assisted. 

On  the  whole  the  rise  of  sport  has  had  a  great  level- 
ing influence  in  the  army.  Soldiers  and  officers  do  not, 
indeed,  compete  with  each  other  as  a  rule ;  but  they  take 
part  in  the  same  meets,  and  I  have  observed  that  the 
soldier  seems  to  rise  in  importance  while  the  tendency  of 
the  officer  is  to  forget  himself  in  the  excitement  of  the 
moment.  I  have  a  vision  of  non-participants  flying 

across  the  field  with  the  tails  of  their  long  coats  flap- 
ping behind  them  to  carry  tidings  or  encouragement  to 
some  tired  runner — which  denotes  a  very  great  change 
from  the  unswervingly  dignified  bearing  of  other  days. 
Soldiers  and  officers  now  are  encouraged  to  join  athletic 
associations,  which  makes  for  less  exclusiveness. 

If  the  infantry  is  the  mainstay  of  the  German  army, 
the  cavalry  is  indispensable  for  reconnoitering,  for  mak- 
ing raids  and  for  pursuit.  Each  cavalryman,  as  has 
been  said,  carries  a  lance,  a  sword  and  a  carbine.  Much 
time  is  spent  in  training  the  men  to  the  use  of  the  lance, 
which  is  of  hollow  steel.  Men  of  straw,  for  instance,  are 
placed  on  the  ground  and  the  lancer,  riding  by,  has  to 
inflict  a  wound  in  exactly  the  place  designated.  Or  a 
straw  head  is  placed  on  a  stake  and  must  be  knocked 
off  in  passing.  The  carbines,  which  are  stuck  in  the  sad- 
dle, are  of  a  perfected  modern  type  and  are  but  little 
inferior  to  the  muskets  of  the  infantry. 

Cavalry  regiments,  with  which  speed  of  progress  is 
the  first  consideration,  carry  their  own  bridge-wagons, 
so  that  they  can  either  repair  bridges  that  have  been  de- 
stroyed, or  construct  entirely  new  ones.  It  has  been 
found  that  rafts  made  of  fodder-bags  stuffed  with  straw 
and  held  together  by  lances,  boards,  logs,  etc.,  can  carry 
comparatively  heavy  weights.  Six  such  bags  as  I  have 
described  can,  at  a  pinch,  carry  six  men.  Barrels  and 









Cavalry    Patrol 

Building  a   Bridge  with   Sacks 

THE  ARMY  43 

chests  are  still  more  useful  if  they  happen  to  be  at  hand. 
Xeedless  to  say,  the  cavalry  bridge-wagons  also  carry 
explosives  for  destroying  the  enemy's  bridges  and  other 

It  has  been  thought  in  some  quarters  that  aeroplanes 
and  other  contrivances  for  scouting  and  communication 
would  supersede  cavalry,  but  the  German  army  adminis- 
tration evidently  does  not  think  so,  as  it  has  more  than 
150,000  horses  in  use  even  in  time  of  peace.  In  time  of 
war  all  private  horses  are  subject  to  requisition,  as  are 
also  automobiles,  motor-trucks,  motor-wheels  and  aero- 
planes. The  better  riders  in  a  regiment  train  the  horses 
for  the  rest,  and  there  is  a  constant  mustering  out  of  the 
inferior  ones  in  favor  of  others  that  are  stronger  or 
younger  or  more  docile.  There  are  military  riding 
schools  at  Hanover,  Dresden  and  Munich,  where  officers 
are  taught  not  only  to  ride  well  and  to  instruct  others 
but  also  to  break  in  young  horses. 

Prussia  has  her  own  stud-farms  in  which  the  royal 
family,  since  the  days  of  Frederick  William  I,  has  taken 
the  greatest  interest.  There  is  a  regular  Prussian  type, 
small  and  tough.  The  theory  has  lately  been  advanced 
that  Asiatic  horses  are  more  free  from  disease  and  that 
they  proved  more  enduring  in  the  recent  Turkish-Bul- 
garian War,  while  the  Prussian  horse,  through  faults  in 
the  manner  of  raising,  has  degenerated  during  the  long 


period  of  unbroken  peace.  This,  however,  is  simply  an 
academic  question  and  nothing  short  of  war  itself  can 
demonstrate  that  under  all  conditions  another  type  of 
horse  will  be  preferable. 

The  Russian-Japanese  War  brought  the  old  cavalry 
raid,  such  as  we  associate  with  the  names  of  Sheridan 
and  Wilson,  once  more  to  honor,  and  an  expedition  of 
Mischtschenko's  in  February,  1905,  though  not  wholly 
successful,  aroused  much  interest  in  cavalry  circles  in 
Europe.  It  is  considered  not  unlikely  that  such  "raids" 
will  play  a  great  part  in  the  present  war.  The  Germans 
use  the  American  word  for  the  maneuver. 

If  cavalry  is  merely  an  adjunct  of  infantry,  this  is 
still  more  true  of  artillery.  Its  function,  according  to 
the  latest  German  writers,  is  to  facilitate  the  advance  of 
the  infantry,  or,  in  other  words,  to  break  and  open  the 
path  by  which  the  infantry  shall  storm.  It  has  some- 
times been  thought  of  the  battle  of  the  future  that  it 
would  consist  of  two  parts :  the  great  artillery  duel  and 
the  infantry  struggle ;  and  that  the  infantry  would  have 
to  stand  aside  until  the  artillery  duel  was  over.  The  con- 
trary is  the  case.  The  two,  in  this  coming  war,  will  fight 
side  by  side:  the  artillery  opening  the  breach,  the  in- 
fantry coming  in. 

German  batteries  consist  of  six  guns,  while  those  of 
the  French  have  only  four.  Good  authorities,  even  in 




Wheel  Belt  for  Cannon 

A  Howitzer  Battery 

THE  ARMY  45 

Germany,  prefer  the  French  system,  but  the  change 
would  mean  more  expense  than  was  considered  war- 
rantable. A  novelty  is  that  the  guns  now  have  great 
steel  shields  that  protect  the  gunners.  Another  most 
useful  innovation  is  the  so-called  wheel  belt.  A  number 
of  flat  blocks  or  shoes,  wider  than  the  tire  and  hinged  so 
as  to  form  a  great  chain,  protect  the  wheels  of  the  gun- 
carriage  and  prevent  them  from  sinking  into  the  mud. 
Formerly  a  supply  of  beams,  jackscrews  and  the  like 
had  to  be  carried  along  for  use  in  extricating  the  cannon 
when  they  stuck  fast.  Xow  every  large  gun  in  the  army 
has  its  belt,  which  can  be  removed  and  put  on  again  at 
will,  the  operation  lasting  but  six  minutes. 

The  largest  guns  accompanying  the  infantry  have  a 
bore  of  twenty-one  centimeters,  which  is  much  less,  of 
course,  than  the  fixed  guns  in  fortresses  or  those  used 
for  coast  defense.  The  size  of  these  is  ever  increasing, 
and  there  is  already  talk  of  forty  centimeter  guns.  The 
field  guns  fire  shells  and  shrapnel  and  there  is  a  so-called 
"unit  charge"  which  is  a  combination  of  the  two.  A 
shrapnel  is  a  thin  metal  ball  filled  with  explosive  bullets 
and  can  be  discharged  either  by  ignition  or  percussion. 
It  is  considered  preferable  to  have  it  burst  in  the  air,  just 
above  the  point  aimed  at,  as  the  shock  is  downward. 
Krupp  has  patented  a  shell  that  explodes  by  clock-work. 

One  further  fact  concerning  artillery  may  interest 


those  who  follow  the  present  campaigns.  In  all  the 
older  famous  battles  the  greatest  efforts  were  made  to 
drag  the  artillery  up  the  hills  and  have  it  crown  the 
heights.  According  to  recent  strategy  it  chooses  rather 
low-lying  protected  spots.  Howitzers  can  shoot  right 
over  a  hill  and  have  the  shell  curve  and  descend  on  the 
other  side.  The  calculations  as  to  just  where  it  will 
strike  are  made  with  astounding  accuracy,  even  though 
the  goal  itself  may  be  invisible.  The  guns  are  being 
constantly  improved,  but  the  greatest  secrecy  is  observed 
with  regard  to  them.  They  are  shrouded  as  they  pass 
through  the  streets  and  no  one  can  inspect  them  without 
a  written  order. 

The  low  situation  has  its  great  advantages  as  well  as 
its  disadvantages,  but  the  latter  can  be  counteracted. 
In  order  to  be  able  to  overlook  the  field,  each  battery 
now  has  an  observation  ladder  or  column,  of  which  the 
parts  can  be  telescoped  into  short  space  and  carried  be- 
tween two  wheels.  When  desired  it  is  projected  into  the 
air.  One  advantage  of  this  new  invention  is  that  the 
wheeled  observation  ladder  can  be  sent  off  to  quite  a 
distance  carrying  a  portable  telephone  by  means  of 
which  it  is  possible  at  all  times  to  communicate  with  the 

Many  cannon  now  have  telescopes  attached  to  them 
to  assist  the  gunner  in  taking  aim.  When  we  reflect 

Observation  Column 

Observation  Ladder 

Covered  Field  Artillery 

THE  ARMY  47 

that  some  of  the  guns  can  shoot  five  and  six  miles,  the 
necessity  of  this  will  be  apparent. 

For  storming  fortifications  there  are  special  heavy 
siege  guns.  A  modern  fortress  is  something  very  dif- 
ferent from  a  medieval  or  even  from  an  early  nine- 
teenth century  one.  The  old  city  walls,  however  solidly 
built,  are  now  regarded  as  mere  pleasant  bits  of  an- 
tiquity, and  in  dozens  of  German  towns  have  been  razed 
to  the  ground  and  converted  into  rings  or  boulevards.  So 
in  the  city  of  Cologne,  in  Ulm.  In  their  place  we  now 
have  groups  of  sunken  guns,  of  protected  batteries  and 
of  underground  bomb-proof  rooms  with  walls  of  re- 
inforced concrete  twelve  and  fifteen  feet  thick.  Here 
and  there  armored  turrets  project  a  few  feet  above  the 
ground.  Some  of  the  rooms  are  large  enough  for  a 
whole  company  of  infantry.  The  sunken  guns  can 
rise  from  their  resting-places,  fire  their  charges  and  sink 
back  into  their  beds.  Germany  has  twenty-eight  land 
forts  in  all,  of  which  nine  are  modern  in  every  regard, 
and  eight  coast  fortifications.  Should  the  Russians  en- 
ter Prussia  we  may  hear  much  of  the  great  forts  at 
Konigsberg,  Graudenz  and  Thorn,  at  Danzig,  Kulm 
and  Marienburg,  or  of  the  Silesian  forts  Glogau,  Xeisse 
and  Glatz,  which  played  a  part  already  in  the  wars  of 
Frederick  the  Great.  In  the  west,  Metz  and  Strasburg 
have  been  immeasurably  strengthened  since  they  passed 

into  German  hands,  and  Mainz,  Coblenz,  Cologne,  Ger- 
mersheim  and  Wesel  are  all  formidable.  To  the  south 
are  Ulm  and  Ingolstadt,  while  in  the  north  are  Kustrin 
and  Spandau,  the  latter  but  a  few  miles  from  Berlin.  In 
Saxony  is  the  Konigstein,  which,  by  reason  of  its  natural 
position,  is  considered  as  impregnable  as  any  fortress 
can  be. 

Whether  the  Germans  will  ever  be  forced  back  into 
these  strong  positions  remains  to  be  seen.  Their  policy 
is  to  keep  to  the  offensive  and  spare  their  own  land  as 
much  as  possible.  However,  what  strength  of  arms  may 
fail  to  accomplish  may  be  reserved  for  famine.  With 
her  commerce  entirely  cut  off,  the  food  supply  for  the 
nation  at  large  will  be  but  scanty,  and  of  all  the  criti- 
cisms I  have  read  on  the  German  army  during  the  last 
six  months  those  on  the  commissariat  department  have 
been  the  most  severe.  A  change  in  the  whole  adminis- 
tration was  ordered  a  few  months  before  the  war  broke 
out,  but  it  has  scarcely  as  yet  had  time  to  go  into  full 

The  Army  of  the  Air 

Probably  the  greatest  difference  between  ancient  and 
modern  warfare  lies  in  the  systematic  use  that  is  now 
made  of  balloons,  air-ships,  aeroplanes  and  kites,  also  of 
telegraphy,  both  fixed  and  wireless,  and  of  the  tele- 

THE  ARMY  49 

phone.  I  should  add  to  these,  automobiles,  motor-trucks, 
motorcycles  and  simple  bicycles. 

It  may  not  be  generally  known  that  as  far  back  as 
1870  Germany  attempted  to  make  regular  use  of  mili- 
tary balloons,  and  that  two  balloons  and  equipment  were 
purchased  from  an  English  aeronaut.  Several  ascents 
were  successfully  made  with  a  member  of  the  general 
staff  as  passengers.  Before  Paris,  however,  it  proved 
impossible  to  obtain  the  gas  for  inflation,  and  the  whole 
balloon  detachment  was  dissolved.  Fourteen  years  later, 
in  1884,  regular  experiments  regarding  the  taking  of 
observations  and  the  exchanging  of  signals  were  be- 
gun. Fifty  thousand  marks  a  year  were  set  aside  for 
the  purpose,  and  so  satisfactory  were  the  results  that  in 
1887  a  regular  balloon  corps  wras  organized  with  a  ma- 
jor, a  captain,  three  lieutenants  and  fifty  non-commis- 
sioned officers  and  men.  The  discovery  that  the  gas 
could  be  transported  in  steel  cases  in  a  greatly  condensed 
form  placed  military  ballooning  on  a  much  securer 
basis  and  the  corps,  greatly  increased,  has  taken  part  in 
the  yearly  maneuvers  since  1893.  The  captive  balloon 
is  still  used  as  a  sort  of  training-ship  for  recruits,  but 
the  free  balloon  has  been  practically  superseded. 

The  first  Zeppelin  and  the  first  Parseval  air-ships  were 
acquired  in  1907  and,  in  spite  of  frequent  accidents, 
have  become  as  much  a  part  of  the  armed  forces  as  have 


batteries  or  battle-ships.  There  are  now  no  less  than  five 
air-ship  battalions  under  the  "general  board  of  inspec- 
tion of  military,  air  and  power  transport  matters."  The 
combined  appropriations  of  Prussia,  Bavaria  and  Wiirt- 
temberg  for  their  air  fleets  in  1913  amounted  to  70,000,- 
000  marks.  The  recent  ships,  which  are  not  necessarily 
confined  to  the  Zeppelin  type,  though  built  along  the 
same  lines,  are  almost  as  large  as  ocean  steamships.  Last 
year  the  "L  II"  carried  twenty-eight  passengers  on  its 
trial  trip.  It  exploded  in  mid-air  and  twenty-seven 
were  killed,  among  them  almost  all  of  Germany's  chief 
military  aeronautic  experts.  "L  III,"  which  is  nearly 
completed,  will  have  a  displacement  of  32,000  cubic 
meters.  The  largest  and  newest  ship  at  present,  the 
Schiitte-Lanz  II,  has  a  displacement  of  between  23,000 
and  24,000  cubic  meters,  is  run  by  four  Maybach  mo- 
tors, each  of  one  hundred  seventy  horse-power,  and  beats 
the  previous  Zeppelin  record  for  speed  ( seventy-nine  kil- 
ometers or  forty-nine  and  three-eighths  miles  an  hour) 
by  six  kilometers.  No  other  country  has  any  air-ship  that 
can  in  any  way  compare  with  this.  Under  construction 
is  the  twenty-fifth  Zeppelin,  which  will  have  a  length  of 
some  four  hundred  fifty  feet.  All  modern  air-ships  are 
equipped  with  wireless  telegraphy  having  a  range  of 
about  four  hundred  kilometers,  and  can  carry  light  Gat- 
ling  guns.  They  can  lift  a  weight  of  some  16,000 

Gondola  of  the  Schiitte-Lanz  I  Airship 

Airship  Parseval 

THE  ARMY  51 

pounds  and  their  cost  is  from  700,000  marks  upward. 
The  Germans  have  practised  very  industriously  with 
their  air-ships — only  the  other  day  a  pilot  completed  his 
seven  hundredth  trip. 

Whether  in  war  the  Zeppelins  will  come  up  to  the 
expectations  that  have  been  formed  of  them  remains  of 
course  to  be  seen.  One  can  conceive  of  a  single  ship, 
under  favorable  conditions,  throwing  down  enough  ex- 
plosives on  an  army  to  put  it  completely  to  rout.  But 
the  Zeppelin  is  a  very  big  target  and  its  motors  make 
enough  noise  to  warn  a  whole  city  of  its  approach.  Rus- 
sia and  Germany  herself  now  have  many  vertical  guns 
for  shooting  air-ships.  On  the  other  hand,  a  Zeppelin 
can  fly  very  high  and  can  take  refuge  behind  a  cloud. 
Its  chief  objects  of  attack  will  doubtless  be  arsenals, 
dockyards,  bridges  and  tunnel-mouths,  though  no  fleet 
near  the  shore  and  no  camp  can  feel  quite  safe  from  it 
in  future.  It  would  be  so  tempting  to  drop  a  shell  in 
the  midst  of  an  enemy's  general  staff  and  thus  bring 
confusion  into  the  whole  guidance  of  the  army! 

The  Zeppelin  has  dangerous  enemies  in  the  ordinary 
aeroplanes.  A  Frenchman  has  just  vowed  to  run  the 
nose  of  his  "plane"  into  the  first  air-ship  that  appears 
over  Paris.  It  is  possible  for  the  airman  to  shoot,  too,  at 
close  range,  or  to  fly  above  the  monster  and  let  down 
ropes  with  hooks  that  shall  tear  its  sides.  The  new 


ships,  however,  as  I  have  said,  can  carry  Galling  guns, 
and  it  is  only  a  question  of  how  they  can  best  trail  them 
on  the  enemy.  The  latest  idea  is  a  shaft  that  shall  ex- 
tend right  through  the  body  of  the  Zeppelin  and  come 
out  on  the  upper  surface.  This  arrangement  has  been 
tried  on  the  newest  Schiitte-Lanz. 

To  the  value  of  aeroplanes  as  instruments  of  war 
Germany  awakened  late.  Not  until  after  an  exhibition 
of  the  American,  Orville  Wright,  on  the  Templehof 
field  near  Berlin  in  1910  was  the  matter  taken  very 
seriously.  Now  there  are  four  flying  battalions  in  the 
army  with  nearly  fifteen  hundred  men,  and  it  is  believed 
that  the  machines  are  more  solid  and  stable  than  those  of 
the  French.  All  records  were  broken  by  German  ma- 
chines during  the  past  year,  and  the  great  Prince  Henry 
races  in  May,  though  fatal  accidents  occurred,  demon- 
strated very  well  about  what  may  be  expected  from  a 
troop  of  airmen  in  time  of  war.  The  conditions  were 
extremely  severe  and  the  weather  was  not  favorable,  yet 
twelve  out  of  twenty-nine  starters  achieved  the  final  goal 
within  the  time  limit. 

The  favorite  machine  in  the  German  army  is  the  Al- 
batross-Taube,  which  looks  quite  warlike  with  its  metal 
armor  covering  motor  and  all.  Both  monoplanes  and 
biplanes  are  used.  In  case  of  war  all  aeroplanes,  even 
the  stock  in  trade  of  the  manufacturer,  are  com- 

Marine  Airship 

A  Zeppelin  over  the  Kiel  Bay 

THE  ARMY  53 

mandeered.  These  aeroplanes  are  easily  transportable 
by  rail  so  that  a  number  of  them  can  be  concentrated 
close  to  the  scene  of  action.  They  will  be  used  for  scout- 
ing, carrying  despatches  and  dropping  bombs,  and  un- 
doubtedly will  have  a  great  effect  upon  warfare.  It  is 
likely  that  more  maneuvering  will  be  done  under  the 
cover  of  night  than  formerly  in  order  to  escape  the  spy- 
ing eyes  of  the  birdmen,  that  false  marches  and  maneu- 
vers will  be  undertaken,  that  bivouac  fires  will  be 
lighted  in  unoccupied  places  merely  for  the  purpose  of 
deceiving.  It  will  be  easy  to  conceal  cannon  by  covering 
them  with  green  boughs. 

The  German  soldiers  are  already  being  trained  for 
these  new  night  operations  which  the  aeroplane  and  air- 
ship will  necessitate.  They  are  taught  to  make  their  way 
by  the  moon  and  stars,  to  place  their  ears  to  the  ground 
and  catch  and  interpret  sounds.  It  is  possible  for  a 
finely  trained  ear  to  tell  in  the  case  of  a  passing  horse 
whether  it  is  running  free  or  whether  it  is  carrying  a 
load,  also  to  estimate  the  approximate  number  of  a  pass- 
ing troop.  Silent  marching  is  practised,  too,  the  greatest 
care  being  taken  that  the  objects  carried  shall  not  clash 
or  rattle.  The  enemy  carries  powerful  electric  search- 
lights against  aeroplanes;  a  single  apparatus  requires 
several  vehicles,  each  drawn  by  four  horses.  There  must 
be  a  motor,  a  dynamo,  a  great  mirror,  a  water  wagon 

and  a  portable  tower  thirty  feet  high.  The  infantry 
carries  lighter  apparatus,  too,  that  can  now  be  loaded  on 
an  automobile,  the  motor  of  which  can  be  used  for  run- 
ning the  dynamo.  Aeroplanes,  too,  now  carry  search- 

An  enormous  number  of  automobiles  are  used  in  the 
army.  The  German  government  has  a  special  arrange- 
ment with  motor-truck  owners  (the  same  is  done  with 
steamship  companies)  by  \vhich  it  pays  a  subsidy  for 
new  trucks  on  the  understanding  that  they  shall  be  at  its 
disposal  in  time  of  need.  It  has  been  estimated  that  nine 
motor-wagons  can  replace  one  hundred  thirty-nine  horses 
and  will  need  thirty  instead  of  one  hundred  two  men. 
Such  a  wagon  will  carry  easily  four  tons  of  baggage. 

The  Officers 

With  all  the  technical  aids  and  inventions,  however, 
the  decisive  factor  in  a  war  remains  the  men  and  more 
especially  the  officers. 

I  recently  overheard  a  well-known  Boston  woman 
teacher  holding  forth  with  the  positiveness  of  complete 
conviction  on  the  subject  of  the  German  officer  and  com- 
miserating him  on  the  life  of  idleness  circumstances 
forced  him  to  lead  "except,  of  course,  during  the  three 
or  four  hours  a  day  wrhen  he  is  obliged  to  exercise."  The 
remark  was  addressed  to  a  distinguished  Harvard  pro- 

Albatross-Taube  Model  1914 

Albatross-Taube    Packed    for    Shipping 

Double  Monoplane 

Albatross  Hydro  and  Aeroplane 

THE  ARMY  55 

fessor — anti-military,  however,  to  the  core — who  had  no 
contradiction  to  offer.  I  should  have  marked  both  of 
these  great  people  zero  for  flat  ignorance  of  the  subject 
had  I  had  them  in  a  class.  The  German  officer,  I  grant, 
may  occasionally  seem  as  idle  and  as  frivolous  as  the  son 
of  a  new  American  millionaire:  the  only  difference 
would  be  that  the  American  conceals  his  idleness  under 
a  show  of  industriousness,  sending  telegrams  when  he 
has  nothing  else  to  do,  while  the  German  conceals  the 
fact  that  he  has  been  up  since  four  in  the  morning  train- 
ing a  mass  of  raw  recruits,  that  he  has  spent  several 
hours  at  the  Kriegsakademie  studying  languages,  geog- 
raphy, political  economy  and  the  like  and  that  he  has  as 
a  permanent  job  some  important  problem  in  tactics  to 
work  out.  Those  who  know  the  methods  of  the  Prussian 
government  could  never  accuse  it  of  giving  its  employees 
too  little  work.  A  list  is  kept  of  all  officers  in  which 
their  industry,  their  interest  in  their  work  and  their  gen- 
eral good  conduct  is  noted.  The  ideal  that  is  kept  before 
them  may  not  be  exactly  our  ideal,  but  it  is  a  wonderful 
one  of  knightly  virtue  all  the  same.  The  man  may 
never  forget  that  he  is  a  leader  of  men;  he  must  grip 
his  standard  of  honor,  such  as  it  is,  like  grim  death  and 
be  willing  unhesitatingly  to  lay  down  his  life  for  it.  If 
he  flinch  or  falter  in  physical  encounter  or  in  any  way 
is  "guilty  of  conduct  unbecoming  an  officer"  he  has  to 

resign  his  position.  He  has  to  conform  not  only  to  the 
rule  of  his  superiors  but  also  to  the  code  of  his  fellow 
officers.  There  are  things  in  that  code  that  one  would 
like  not  to  see  there  and  one  misses  much  that  might 
well  be  included,  but  to  down  the  profession  as  a  sine- 
cure "except,  of  course,  during  the  three  or  four  hours 
a  day"  is  the  purest  folly. 

And  peace-time  is  the  mere  waiting-period,  the  period 
of  training  for  the  real  work.  In  war-time  the  fate  of 
the  whole  country  hangs  on  the  officer.  An  Italian, 
Mangiarotti,  recently  inquired  of  some  two  thousand 
soldiers  who  had  just  taken  part  in  the  African  cam- 
paign regarding  their  sensations  when  facing  the 
enemy.  "The  great  ideals  of  God,  king  and  father- 
land," he  writes,  "incorporate  themselves  in  one  single 
personality,  the  officer."  The  lieutenant  who  does  his 
duty  in  the  firing  line  is  an  absolute  hero  to  his  men. 
But  only  real  superiority  of  mind  and  body  can  keep 
him  at  this  height. 

There  are  more  than  thirty  thousand  officers  in  the 
regular  standing  army,  the  great  majority  of  them  be- 
longing to  the  nobility,  who  feel  that  they  have  a  heredi- 
tary right  to  these  positions.  I  am  inclined  to  think 
that  this  feeling  of  caste  will  not  be  disadvantageous  in 
war.  The  military  career  from  youth  up  has  been  the 
one  serious  object  and  occupation  in  life.  The  memory 

A  Taube  over  the  Military  Flying  Grounds  at  Johannisthal,  near  Berlin 


Airship  Transportation  Wagon 

THE  ARMY  57 

of  Jena  has  been  preventative  of  pride  and  an  incentive 
to  hard  work.  The  habit  of  commanding  gained  as 
lord  of  the  manor — as  Herr  Graf  or  as  Herr  Baron — 
will  not  be  useless  in  the  field. 

Price  Collier,  in  his  Germany  and  the  Germans,  gives 
the  officer  a  bad  character  for  arrogance  and  instances 
the  fact  that  an  officer  will  crowd  a  woman  off  the  side- 
walk. Such  cases  are  very  rare  to-day,  much  rarer  than 
they  were  some  thirty  years  ago.  The  Zabern  affair, 
however,  has  thrown  a  glaring  light  on  a  certain  pre- 
sumptuousness  in  the  army  and  aroused  at  the  time  very 
bitter  passions.  There  was  a  contempt  for  the  ordinary 
laws  of  justice  connected  with  the  trial  that  is  likely  to 
avenge  itself  in  time  if  it  has  not  already  done  so.  But 
no  human  institution  is  perfect,  and  the  officer  has  at 
present  far  other  things  to  think  of  than  presumptuous- 

In  time  of  war  many  more  officers  are  needed  than  in 
time  of  peace.  This  is  provided  for  in  Germany  by  a 
different  and  less  perfect  system  than  in  France.  From 
the  one-year  volunteers,  of  whom  there  are  about  15,000 
yearly,  are  taken  the  "officer  aspirants,"  who  then  un- 
dergo supplementary  training,  returning  at  intervals  in 
later  life  for  further  instruction  and  practise.  The 
general  structure  of  the  army  does  not  change  in  time 
of  war.  Instead  of  numbering  five  or  six  hundred  men 


the  size  of  a  battalion  is  raised  to  eleven  hundred  or 
more.  There  are  supplementary  troops  in  all  branches, 
consisting  party  of  retired  soldiers  and  partly  of  raw 
recruits,  who  must  be  licked  into  shape  as  quickly  as  pos- 
sible, but  who  serve  mainly  to  fill  up  the  ranks  at  the 
front  as  they  become  depleted.  Every  able-bodied  man 
must  leave  his  occupation  and  take  to  the  ranks  whether 
he  has  had  military  training  or  not.  Even  a  German  in 
foreign  lands,  if  he  fail  to  report  for  duty  to  his  consul, 
is  liable  on  his  return  to  a  sentence  of  six  years  in  the 
penitentiary  How  many  will  hasten  to  naturalize 
themselves  in  other  countries  is  one  of  the  problems  of 
the  war. 

Horses,  too,  are  called  in  in  great  numbers  as  soon  as 
mobilization  is  ordered.  In  time  of  peace  the  twenty- 
five  army  corps,  each  numbering  about  forty  thousand 
men,  require  157,000  horses;  in  time  of  war  the  demand, 
of  course,  will  be  much  larger,  and  this  is  provided  for 
by  instant  requisition.  But  not  at  random.  A  list  or 
census  is  regularly  kept  of  practically  all  the  horses  in 
the  country ;  it  is  revised  at  stated  intervals  and  commis- 
sioners note  the  adaptability  of  every  animal  to  this  or 
that  purpose.  In  times  of  mobilization  the  animals  are 
brought  before  final  commissions,  consisting  partly  of 
military,  partly  of  civilian  members,  who  appraise  their 
value  and  declare  them  confiscate.  The  transferring  of 

ff,  0*1 

Uhlans   Crossing  River 

Uhlans    Fording  River 

Easily   Upset 


horses  to  the  rallying  centers  is  one  of  the  chief  difficul- 
ties of  the  railroads,  which,  as  is  well  known,  belong  to 
the  state  and  are  altogether  closed  to  general  traffic  dur- 
ing the  mobilization  period. 

Germany  is  putting,  so  it  is  estimated,  some  four 
million  men  into  the  field.  And  behind  them,  should 
the  war  last  long,  are  nearly  a  million  boys  who  belong 
to  the  Prussian  Jung  Deutschland  and  to  the  Bavarian 
Wehrkraftverein.  Boy  scouts,  we  should  call  them  in 
our  country,  but  in  Germany  they  are  regularly  trained 
by  officers  in  the  army — an  occupation  of  these  sinecure- 
holders  that  I  omitted  to  mention.  They  are  taken  in 
squads  on  long  tramps,  are  trained  to  use  their  eyes  and 
ears  and  enjoy  the  life  of  the  hills  and  woods.  They 
carry  their  cooking  utensils  and  prepare  their  own 
meals.  The  government  encourages  the  institution  by 
large  grants  and  often  places  barracks  and  tents  at  the 
disposal  of  the  boys  for  longer  expeditions.  Public  and 
private  generosity,  too,  has  provided  homes  in  out-of- 
the-way  places  where  the  boys  can  take  shelter  over 

How  deadly  an  instrument  for  war  is  the  German 
army  remains  to  be  seen.  That  it  has  already  accom- 
plished many  fine  things  in  time  of  peace  is  undoubted. 
Xot  the  least  of  these  is  the  spread  of  hygienic  knowl- 
edge and  the  encouragement  of  manliness. 


By  the  terms  of  the  German  constitution  the  Kaiser 
is  head  and  chief  of  the  whole  German  army  and,  not- 
withstanding concessions  made  to  Bavaria,  Wiirttem- 
berg  and  Saxony  for  the  period  when  it  remains  on  a 
peace-footing,  is  absolute  commander  in  time  of  war. 
Whether  he  will  personally  take  the  field  or  not  is  an- 
other question.  If  he  does  he  will  be  upheld  by  an 
enormous  wave  of  loyalty,  but,  on  the  other  hand,  the 
presence  of  a  monarch  in  camp  is  often  a  hindrance  to 
the  operations.  His  own  great-grandfather,  and  at  the 
same  time  the  Austrian  emperor,  made  life  very  bitter 
for  Bliicher  and  the  other  real  fighters  in  1814. 

The  real  business  of  commanding  a  modern  army  is 
done  by  the  chief  of  the  general  staff.  It  is  of  good 
augury  that  the  present  holder  of  that  position  is  again 
a  Moltke.  On  him  falls  the  planning  and  the  respon- 
sibility for  carrying  out  of  the  plans,  though  he  has  un- 
der him  a  huge  staff  of  subordinates — more  than  two 
hundred  in  all — whose  duty  is  to  collect  information, 
make  reports  and  even  tender  advice.  The  older  Moltke 
once  wrote:  "The  make-up  of  the  headquarters  of  an 
army  is  of  an  importance  not  always  sufficiently  real 
ized.  Some  commanders  need  no  advice,  but  weigh  and 
decide  things  for  themselves.  Their  subordinates  have 
merely  to  carry  out  instructions.  But  such  stars  of 
first  radiance  are  only  to  be  found  about  once  in  a  cen- 

THE  ARMY  61 

tury.  Only  a  Frederick  the  Great  takes  counsel  with 
no  one  and  determines  everything  himself.  As  a  rule 
the  leader  of  an  army  can  not  do  without  advice."  The 
old  plan  was  to  hold  a  council  of  war  and  abide  by  its 
decisions;  the  new  one  is  for  the  commanding  general 
to  use  every  aid  from  others  but  to  take  the  whole  re- 
sponsibility himself. 

Headquarters  travels  with  the  arm)T  and  with  it  goes 
the  imperial  chancellor,  ready  to  take  advantage  of 
every  happening  in  the  field  to  influence  the  course  of 
negotiations.  The  minister  of  war  remains  at  home  to 
see  to  the  prompt  forwarding  of  troops  and  supplies.  In 
1870  and  1871  Bismarck  had  much  to  suffer  from  fe- 
male influences — royal  ladies  who  objected  to  the  bom- 
bardment of  beautiful  cities  and  the  like.  There  are  at 
present  no  royal  ladies  in  Germany  who  are  likely  to 
interfere.  Bliicher  used  to  insist  that  the  most  merciful 
way  of  making  war  was  to  be  absolutely  relentless  in 
pursuit — to  the  last  man  and  to  the  last  horse.  The 
worst  thing  that  can  happen  is  to  have  the  campaign 
drag  on  slowly  with  necessity  of  renewing  battles.  This 
phase  of  the  matter  royal  ladies  do  not  always  under- 

If  the  example  of  the  Franco-Prussian  War  is  fol- 
lowed the  Germans  will  put  as  many  as  six  different 
armies  into  the  field,  each  with  some  four  army-corps. 

There  are  twenty-five  army-corps,  and  the  fighting  part 
of  a  single  army-corps,  which  numbers  some  41,000 
men,  strings  out  on  an  ordinary  road  to  a  distance  of 
twenty-six  kilometers  or  more  than  sixteen  miles.  As 
the  food  supplies,  medical  and  surgical  apparatus  and 
ammunition  wagons  have  to  follow  at  a  considerable 
distance  we  may  estimate  the  length  of  the  whole  col- 
umn at  more  than  double  this  amount.  Were  the  whole 
standing  army  (not  to  speak  of  the  reserves)  to  travel 
along  the  same  road  it  would  take  twenty-five  days  to 
pass  a  fixed  point.  It  may  be  said  here  that  the  number 
of  direct  roads  passing  from  Germany  into  France  is 
small  and  that  for  purposes  of  invasion  the  possession 
of  Belgium  was  a  strategic  necessity.  Its  occupation 
meant  victory  or  defeat  in  the  great  struggle  and  the 
devil  take  the  consequences.  Belgium  and  France  are 
so  at  one  that  the  French  have  so  trusted  to  the  forts  of 
Liege  and  Namur,  which  they  believed  to  be  impreg- 
nable, that  they  have  done  little  to  fortify  their  own 
borders  in  that  direction. 

Who  the  commanding  generals  of  the  German  army 
are  to  be  has  not  yet  been  made  public  in  America. 
Judging  by  the  holders  of  high  positions  in  peace-time 
they  will  be  Grand  Duke  Frederick  II  of  Baden,  Duke 
Albert  of  Wiirttemberg,  Prince  Rupprecht  of  Bavaria 
and  the  generals  Biilow,  Eichhorn,  Heeringen  and 


Prittwitz.  Whether  or  not  the  German  crown-prince 
will  be  given  a  command  is  doubtful.  He  is  brave  and 
dashing  but  impetuous  and  unbalanced,  and  his  rela- 
tions with  his  father  have  been  somewhat  strained.  I 
am  told  that  at  maneuvers  he  expects  far  too  much  from 
his  men  and  horses,  though  his  pleasant  mariners  and  his 
joking  way  make  him  very  popular.  He  may,  of  course, 
prove  the  Frederick  the  Great  of  the  campaign  should 
it  last  sufficiently  long  for  him  to  gain  the  proper  ex- 


IN  1848  the  German  Confederation  was  at  war  with 
Denmark  on  account  of  Schleswig-Holstein.  The  na- 
tional parliament  voted  six  million  thalers  for  the  crea- 
tion of  a  fleet ;  it  might  as  well  have  voted  sixty  millions 
as  far  as  the  possibility  of  collecting  it  in  such  disordered 
circumstances  was  concerned.  But  on  June  fourth, 
1849,  a  squadron  of  three  steamships,  the  Barbarossa, 
the  Hamburg  and  the  Liibeck  did  set  out  from  the 
mouth  of  the  Elbe,  with  decks  cleared  for  action.  The 
admiral  was  a  Saxon,  Rudolph  Bromme.  It  was  known 
that  a  Danish  corvette  was  becalmed  in  the  neighborhood 
of  Helgoland.  She  was  sighted  and  some  shots  had 
already  been  sent  through  her  rigging,  when  suddenly 
from  another  direction,  from  Helgoland  itself,  then  a 
British  possession,  a  shot  was  fired.  It  signified  that 
the  ships  were  within  the  three-mile  limit  over  which  then 
and  now  a  state's  sovereignty  extended,  and  that  Eng- 
land was  forbidding  the  fray.  The  "fleet"  complied 
with  the  order  and  Lord  Palmerston  took  occasion  to 
send  a  diplomatic  note  to  the  German  Confederation 


THE  NAVY  65 

stating  that  ships  had  been  seen  in  the  North  Sea  flying 
a  black-red-gold  flag  and  conducting  themselves  as  war- 
ships; that  England  would  not  recognize  such  ships  with 
a  black-red-gold  flag  as  war-ships,  but  would  treat  them, 
if  need  be,  as  pirates. 

England  has  more  or  less  preserved  this  attitude  to 
the  present  day  and  has  been  righteously  indignant 
whenever  Germany  increased  her  fleet.  A  first  lord  of 
the  admiralty  once  publicly  declared  that  Britain's  rule 
of  the  sea  was  part  of  the  common  treasure  of  mankind 
and  that  England  could  never  endure  that  another 
power  should  be  able  to  weaken  her  political  influence 
by  exerting  naval  pressure.  Such  a  position,  he  said, 
would  unquestionably  lead  to  war. 

The  attempts  to  weld  Germany  into  a  nation  having 
failed,  the  fleet  was  put  up  at  auction  and  sold  in  1852. 
The  state  of  Prussia,  however,  which  was  one  of  the 
purchasers,  had  by  this  time  started  her  own  fleet  and 
soon  began  to  build  the  harbor  in  the  Jadebucht,  which 
is  now  called  Wilhelmshaven.  One  of  the  royal  princes, 
Adalbert,  was  made  admiral  and  furthered  the  cause  of 
the  fleet  in  every  way.  Himself  an  intrepid  leader,  he 
was  wounded  in  an  encounter  with  Morocco  pirates,  who 
fired  on  one  of  the  small  boats  of  the  Danzig.  In  1863, 
however,  the  fleet  consisted  of  but  four  corvette  cruisers, 
the  Arkona,  Gazelle  and  Vineta,  which  had  each  twenty- 


eight  cannon,  and  the  Nymplie,  which  had  but  seventeen. 
Add  to  these  twenty-one  cannon  boats,  four  of  which 
carried  three  cannon,  the  rest  but  two.  In  1867  the 
Prussian  fleet  merged  in  that  of  the  North  German 
Confederation,  which  in  turn,  in  1871,  merged  into  that 
of  the  new  German  Empire. 

In  the  war  with  France  the  German  fleet  played  no 
role  whatever,  there  being  but  five  ironclads  in  all,  two 
of  them  small  coast  defenders,  to  oppose  to  France's 
fifty-five.  There  were  but  one  or  two  insignificant  en- 
counters between  small  single  ships — one  between  the 
Grille  and  the  Hirondelle  in  the  Baltic,  and  one  be- 
tween the  Meteor.,  whose  whole  crew  numbered  sixty- 
three,  and  the  French  despatch-boat  Bouvet,  with 
eighty-three.  The  two  had  come  upon  each  other  in 
the  harbor  of  Havana  and  then  tried  conclusions  on  the 
high  seas.  But  the  German  victories  on  land  had  been 
so  quick  and  decisive  that  the  fleet  as  a  whole  never  came 
into  action. 

Even  the  successful  outcome  of  the  war  did  not  spur 
Germany  on  to  build  up  a  strong  navy.  A  general,  not 
a  seaman,  was  made  chief  of  the  admiralty  and,  al- 
though Von  Stosch  brought  in  a  building  plan  accord- 
ing to  which  the  navy,  by  1882,  would  have  had  four- 
teen large  ironclads,  seven  monitors,  twenty  cruisers 
and  twenty-eight  torpedo-boats,  it  was  carried  out  only 

THE  NAVY  67 

in  part.  Stosch  deserves  credit,  however,  for  insisting 
that  Germany  should  build  all  her  own  ships.  The  sink- 
ing of  the  Grosse  Kurfiirst  in  1879,  which  was  run  into 
by  one  of  her  own  sister  ships,  was  a  great  calamity  for 
the  navy,  and  the  loss  of  her  two  hundred  sixty-five 
officers  and  men  caused  wide-spread  grief. 

Caprivi,  the  later  chancellor,  followed  Von  Stosch  in 
1883  as  head  of  the  admiralty.  He  was  conscientious, 
but,  it  would  seem,  altogether  without  fruitful  ideas. 
He  placed  all  his  hopes  in  the  torpedo-boat,  and  from 
1883  to  1887  not  a  single  battle-ship  was  built.  It  was 
not  so  much  to  be  credited  to  Caprivi,  but  to  a  young 
officer,  Von  Tirpitz,  now  grand  admiral  and  state  sec- 
retary for  the  navy  office,  that  the  German  torpedo- 
boat  fleet  became  the  best  in  the  world.  Tirpitz  made  a 
new  weapon  of  it,  one  that  could  be  used  not  merely  for 
coast-defense,  but  also  for  fighting  on  the  high  seas. 
But  the  fact  remains  that  the  torpedo-boat  under  Ca- 
privi's  regime  was  greatly  overestimated  and  that  its 
usefulness  has  more  and  more  been  checked  by  new  in- 
ventions— search-lights,  Gatling  guns,  torpedo-boat- 
destroyers  and  the  like. 

Toward  the  end  of  his  term  indeed  Caprivi  began  to 
see  the  importance  of  a  strong  fleet  and  the  idea  gained 
ground  that  "a  navy  which  has  its  center  of  gravity  on 
or  near  shore  is  not  worthy  of  the  name."  In  1887  was 


begun  the  Kaiser  Wilhelm  canal  between  the  Baltic  and 
the  North  Sea,  which  enables  the  one  fleet  to  operate  in 
both  waters  without  fear  of  being  intercepted.  Mean- 
while Germany  had  started  on  her  career  as  a  colonial 
power,  having  acquired  by  purchase  and  by  treaty  tracts 
in  Africa  and  islands  in  the  Pacific  Ocean  more  than 
twice  the  size  of  her  possessions  in  Europe.  Some  of 
her  little  cruisers  and  cannon  boats  had  even  seen  service 
against  unruly  natives.  The  Reichstag,  however,  showed 
little  interest  in  the  government's  colonial  policy  and 
was  not  to  be  won  for  the  building  of  large  war-ships. 

A  change  came  soon  after  the  accession  of  the  present 
emperor,  William  II.  One  of  his  first  acts  was  to  reor- 
ganize the  whole  naval  system,  separating  the  adminis- 
trative part  from  the  purely  military.  At  present  Ad- 
miral von  Tirpitz  is  at  the  head  of  the  former  and  Prince 
Henry  of  Prussia,  subject  to  the  emperor's  own  com- 
mands, of  the  latter.  Four  great  battle-ships  ,  all  of  the 
Brandenburg  class,  were  begun  in  1889.  England  re- 
sponded by  ordering  ten  new  battle-ships,  but  in  1890, 
by  ceding  Helgoland  in  return  for  a  correction  of 
boundaries  in  East  Africa,  she  gave  Germany  an  ad- 
vantage worth  fifty  dreadnaughts.  And  almost  before 
there  was  any  tangible  fleet  at  all  Germany  was  at  work 
scientifically,  learning  both  by  theory  and  by  practise 
how  a  fleet  should  be  managed  and  maneuvered. 

THE  NAVY  69 

"How  few  these  ships  were,"  writes  a  vice  admiral,  "and  how 
little  in  accord  with  modern  warfare  on  the  high  seas,  we  all  know. 
Imagination  often  had  to  substitute  what  was  lacking.  School-ships, 
still  with  all  their  old  full  rigging,  represented  ironclads;  torpedo- 
boats  served  as  cruisers,  and  the  Mars,  built  to  be  an  artillery  train- 
ing-ship, acted  as  flag-ship.  In  those  next  few  years  we  went 
through  a  period  which — we  can  say  it  without  boasting — is  unique 
in  the  history  of  fleets.  Not  but  that  we  made  mistakes — much  that 
then  seemed  to  us  indubitably  right  has  since  been  superseded — but 
the  German  fleet,  which  had  fewer  and  less  available  ships  than 
many  other  countries,  has  outdistanced  them  all  in  tactical  develop- 
ment. .  .  .  The  stake,  it  is  true,  became  greater  as  ships  repre- 
senting a  capital  of  millions  and  carrying  hundreds  of  men  took  the 
place  of  the  little  boats,  but  the  method  remained  the  same.  Com- 
mander and  crew,  by  progressing  from  easier  to  more  difficult  and 
more  warlike  maneuvers,  achieved  that  feeling  of  security  which  is 
not  a  foolish  scorn  of  danger  but  the  knowledge  of  power  to  cope 
with  it.  That  is  the  state  of  mind  which  makes  for  success  in  war 
and  which  enables  one  to  win  all  by  risking  all." 

The  fleet  legislation  of  1898  for  the  first  time  looked 
ahead  and  established  rules  as  to  the  future  number  of 
ships  and  the  time-limit  within  which  they  should  be 
built,  and  also  laid  down  principles  as  to  the  tasks  that 
the  fleet  was  intended  to  accomplish.  Two  squadrons, 
of  eight  battle-ships  each,  were  to  be  in  constant  readi- 
ness and  were  to  have  a  flag-ship  at  their  head.  Six  large 
and  sixteen  small  cruisers  were  to  act  as  scouts,  three 
large  and  ten  small  cruisers  as  a  "foreign  fleet";  two 
battle-ships,  three  large  cruisers  and  four  small  ones 
were  to  form  the  reserve,  and  the  whole  reorganization 


was  to  be  completed  in  six  years — that  is,  by  1904.  It 
had  heretofore  been  provided  that  in  case  of  war  each 
ship  should  give  up  half  of  its  trained  men  as  a  nucleus 
for  the  new  crews  of  the  reserve  ships.  This  greatly 
weakened  the  fighting  power  of  the  ships  at  the  crucial 
moment,  and  the  legislation  of  1898  abolished  the  com- 
pulsion for  one  at  least  of  the  two  squadrons. 

Between  1898  and  1900  came  events  which  greatly 
disquieted  Germany:  the  Spanish- American  and  Boer 
Wars  and  disturbances  in  Samoa.  Off  Manila  there 
were  amenities  between  the  German  and  American  ad- 
mirals which  might  have  ended  more  creditably  for  the 
former  had  he  been  able  to  display  more  force.  The 
legislation  of  1900  was  influenced  by  all  these  factors 
and  has  a  wider  perspective  than  any  that  had  gone 
before.  The  preamble  declared  that  "Germany  must 
have  a  battle-fleet  so  strong  that  even  for  the  most  pow- 
erful naval  opponent  a  war  is  connected  with  such  dan- 
gers that  that  opponent's  own  position  as  a  power  may 
be  impaired."  And  further:  "For  this  purpose  it  is  not 
imperative  that  the  German  battle-fleet  be  as  strong  as 
that  of  the  greatest  maritime  power,  for,  as  a  rule,  a 
great  maritime  power  will  not  be  in  a  position  to  concen- 
trate its  whole  fighting  force  against  us.  But  even 
though  it  should  succeed  in  opposing  us  with  greatly 
superior  forces  the  subjection  of  a  strong  German  fleet 

THE  NAVY  71 

would  so  weaken  an  enemy  that,  in  spite  of  any  victory 
he  may  win,  his  fleet  will  no  longer  be  sufficiently  power- 
ful to  assure  his  own  predominant  position."  "For  the 
first  time,"  writes  Mittler,  "the  so-called  risk  idea  which 
was  henceforth  to  be  a  determining  factor  in  our  fleet 
development  was  clearly  expressed." 

The  legislation  of  1900  amounted  to  a  doubling  of  the 
fleet  provided  for  only  two  years  previously.  Seventeen 
battle-ships,  four  large  cruisers  and  sixteen  small  cruis- 
ers were  to  be  in  constant  readiness,  while  exactly  as 
many  more  ships  of  each  of  the  three  types  were  to  be 
kept,  partially  manned,  in  reserve.  In  1906,  in  addition 
to  a  number  of  submarines,  six  cruisers  for  the  "foreign 
squadron"  were  provided  for,  and  it  was  voted  to  raise 
the  number  of  torpedo-boats  and  also  to  provide  auto- 
matically for  their  renewal,  the  life  of  a  torpedo-boat 
being  estimated  at  twelve  years.  This  meant  that  twelve 
torpedo-boats  would  have  to  be  built  each  year.  Eng- 
land's example  in  building  dreadnaughts  necessitated 
greatly  raising  the  appropriation  for  battle-ships  and 
also  influenced  the  legislation  of  1908,  by  which  the 
normal  life  of  a  battle-ship  was  declared  reduced  from 
twenty-five  to  twenty  years.  The  legislation  of  1912, 
finally,  increased  the  number  of  active  battle-ships  by 
eight,  of  large  cruisers  by  four  and  of  small  cruisers  by 
six,  not  to  mention  that  the  number  of  submarines  is  to 


be  brought  up  to  seventy-two,  fifty-four  of  which  are 
to  be  always  ready  for  service.  But  as  the  period  for 
finishing  all  the  new  ships  is  1920  they  will  play  little 
part  in  the  present  war.  The  reserve  ships,  of  course, 
will  all  now  be  called  into  action. 

To  resume,  then,  and  to  be  more  specific,  the  actual 
German  fleet,  counting  ships  expected  to  be  ready  in  the 
course  of  1914,  numbers  thirty-eight  ships  of  the  line, 
fourteen  armored  cruisers,  thirty-eight  protected  cruis- 
ers, two  hundred  twenty- four  torpedo-boats  and  thirty 
submarines.  There  are  no  torpedo-boat-destroyers  as 
in  other  navies,  the  small  cruisers  being  supposed  to 
take  their  place.  The  battle-ships  arc  ranged  in  classes. 
There  are  three  of  the  "King  class"  (the  Konig,  the 
Grosser  Kurfiirst  and  the  Markgraf),  which  have  a 
displacement  of  nearly  26,000  tons  and  are  equipped 
with  every  possible  modern  improvement,  such  as  net 
protection  against  torpedoes,  turbine  engines,  provision 
for  oil-fuel,  torpedo  tubes,  etc.  It  is  from  these  mon- 
sters, of  which  each  carries  ten  of  the  largest  guns,  not 
to  speak  of  the  smaller  ones,  that  we  shall  probably  hear 
most  in  the  course  of  the  war,  though  not  perhaps  in  the 
beginning,  as  they  are  not  fully  completed.  They  are 
to  be  joined  in  1915  by  a  sister-ship,  the  Kronprinz. 

The  Konig  class  is  to  be  larger  in  dimension,  in 
horse-power  and  in  displacement,  though  not  in  speed  or 

H.  M.  Ship  Seydlitz  in  Dry-Dock 

Signaling  on  Submarine 

THE  XAVY  73 

armament  than  the  Kaiser  class,  of  which  there  are  five 
ships:  The  Kaiser,  the  Kaiserin,  the  Friedrich  der 
Grosse,  the  Prinzregent  Luitpold  and  the  Konig  Al- 
bert. Next  come  the  Helgoland  class  (Helgoland,,  Ost- 
friesland,  Thiiringen,  Oldenburg)  and  the  Nassau  class 
(Nassau,  Westfalen,  Rheinland,  Posen)  after  which, 
with  the  Deutschland  class  (13,200  tons),  we  are  out  of 
the  region  of  the  dreadnaughts. 

There  is  a  dreadnaught  cruiser,  the  Derfflinger,  just 
ready,  with  a  greater  displacement  (28,000  tons),  and 
of  course,  with  far  greater  speed  than  any  of  the  battle- 
ships. Xext  comes  the  Seydlitz  (25,000  tons),  then  the 
Moltke  and  the  Goeben  (23,000  tons),  and  the  Von  der 
Tann  (19,500  tons).  The  Goeben  has  already  been 
practically  captured,  as  has  also  the  Breslau  (4,550 
tons) .  They  are  now  in  the  Dardanelles,  and  the  Turk- 
ish government  is  considering  their  purchase.  Twenty- 
three  of  the  protected  cruisers  bear  the  names  of  Ger- 
man cities  (like  the  Breslau ,  Colberg,  Dresden,  Konigs- 
berg),  while  the  rest  for  the  most  part  have  such  names 
as  the  Gazelle,  the  Medusa,  the  Niobe,  the  Undine. 

Some  fifteen  of  the  largest  and  best-known  passen- 
ger ships  of  the  Hamburg  and  Bremen  lines  were  to 
have  served  as  auxiliary  cruisers,  but  a  number  of  these 
now  are  in  foreign  ports  and  far  from  the  needed  pro- 
tection of  their  fleets.  It  remains  to  be  seen  what  use 


will  be  made  of  the  Imperator,  which  is  still  at  Cuxhaven 
or  Hamburg. 

In  concluding  our  list  of  ships  in  the  German  navy  it 
may  interest  Americans  to  know  that  there  is  one  called 
the  Alice  Roosevelt.  It  is  not  likely  to  influence  the 
progress  of  the  war  or  even  to  come  into  action.  Its 
special  title  is  Stations jaclit,  and  it  is  at  the  service  of  the 
general  inspector  of  the  navy,  Prince  Henry  of  Prussia. 

Germany's  ally,  Austria,  although  in  May,  1914,  she 
appropriated  more  than  400,000,000  kronen  for  her 
fleet,  makes  at  present  a  very  weak  showing.  She  has 
fifteen  ships  of  the  line,  of  which  three  are  dread- 
naughts,  two  armored  cruisers  and  seven  protected 

England,  Germany's  chief  naval  opponent,  has  sixty- 
three  ships  of  the  line  as  compared  to  her  own  thirty- 
eight,  and  of  these  twenty- four  are  dreadnaughts,  as 
compared  to  seventeen.  England  has  forty-four  ar- 
mored cruisers,  of  which  ten  are  dreadnaughts;  Ger- 
many has  but  fourteen  armored  cruisers,  and  but  five  of 
them  are  dreadnaughts.  In  protected  cruisers  the  ratio 
is  still  more  in  England's  favor,  while  with  torpedo- 
boats  Germany  is  comparatively  well  provided — one 
hundred  fifty-four  as  against  one  hundred  ninety.  It 
may  be  mentioned  here,  as  a  bit  of  interesting  history, 

THE  NAVY  75 

that  the  majority  of  great  naval  victories  have  been  won 
over  numerically  superior  fleets. 

France  has  ten  dreadnaught  battle-ships,  on  paper, 
but  no  dreadnaught  cruisers,  and  is  said  to  have  had 
difficulty  in  officering  the  ships  that  she  has.  Moreover, 
of  the  ten  dreadnaughts  six  are  only  what  are  called 
half-dreadnaughts  and  only  three  of  the  others  are  ready 
for  service.  Russia  is  practically  without  a  fleet,  though 
she  has  four  battle-ships  and  fourteen  cruisers  in  the 
Baltic  and  four  battle-ships  and  two  cruisers  in  the 
Black  Sea.  Next  year  she  expects  to  have  ready  for 
use  in  the  Baltic  four  new  dreadnaughts. 

Naval  warfare  has  been  so  far  from  our  thoughts 
these  many  years,  its  terms  have  become  so  unfamiliar 
that  it  is  worth  dwelling  for  a  while  on  the  different 
types  of  ships  and  showing  their  special  uses  and  their 
special  tasks  in  battle. 

Most  important  of  all,  with  their  supremacy  unas- 
sailed  by  any  of  the  newly  invented  types,  are  the  bat- 
tle-ships or  ships  of  the  line.  They  are  called  of  the 
line  because  that  is  their  natural  position  in  battle,  the 
position  that  renders  the  fire  of  their  guns  most  effect- 
ive. This  does  not  mean  that  their  bows  are  to  be  all  in 
a  line,  though  that  position  may  sometimes  have  to  be 
adopted;  but  rather  that  they  are  to  string  out,  one  be- 


hind  the  other  at  stated  intervals,  so  as  to  be  able  to  fire 
a  vast  broadside  often  miles  in  length.  It  may  be  that 
the  line  must  be  slanting  or  again  that  the  position 
must  be  constantly  changed  as  new  exigencies  arise. 
The  ruling  idea,  of  course,  is  to  strike  the  right  bal- 
ance between  the  amount  of  surface  presented  as  a 
target  for  the  enemy's  guns  and  the  ability  to  keep  up 
the  most  effective  running  fire.  All  this  is  diligently 
practised  in  time  of  peace  in  the  so-called  maneuvers. 
The  utmost  exactness  of  calculation  is  required,  for  the 
nearer  together  the  ships  the  more  effective  is  their  fire ; 
indeed  the  great  distinction  between  modern  naval  en- 
counters and  those  of  former  times  lies  in  this  team 
work,  if  we  may  call  it  so.  The  great  dreadnaughts, 
with  their  turbine  engines  and  carefully  adjusted  steer- 
ing apparatus,  are  much  more  manageable  and  can  be 
brought  much  closer  to  one  another  than  was  the  case 
with  old-fashioned  battle-ships.  The  distance  between  the 
bow  of  one  ship  and  the  stern  of  the  next  one  is  reckoned 
in  practise  at  a  hundred  yards  or  less ;  one  can  see  what 
an  advantage  it  is  to  have  the  eight  ships  of  a  squadron 
all  of  about  the  same  size  and  speed.  This  idea  has  been 
carried  so  far  in  the  German  fleet  that,  even  after  the 
superiority  of  the  turbine  engine  had  been  demonstrated 
the  ships  required  to  complete  a  squadron  were  built  in 
the  old  style.  Single  encounters  like  those  which  make 

For  Raising  Sunken  Submarines 

The  Second  Squadron   Passing  the   Friedrichsort  Light 

H.  M.  Cruiser  Breslau 

H.  M.  Royal  Yacht  Hohenzollern  with  His  Majesty  on  Board    in  the  Lock  at  Kiel 

THE  XAVY  77 

up  such  thrilling  pages  in  history  are  not  likely  often 
to  occur  again,  and  if  they  do,  will  not  come  to  board- 
ings and  to  hand-to-hand  conflicts. 

The  range  at  which  the  great  naval  battles  of  the 
future  will  be  fought  will  be  very  great,  all  the  way 
up  to  ten  thousand  yards.  The  great  guns  can  easily 
shoot  that  distance,  while  a  reason  for  not  coming  nearer 
until,  at  least,  the  heavy  ammunition  is  gone,  is  that  at 
that  range  each  fleet  will  be  practically  safe  from  the 
torpedoes  of  the  other.  The  German  fleet  often  prac- 
tises at  that  range,  firing  at  a  moving  target  which  is 
dragged  along  by  another  boat.  On  each  modern  gun 
is  a  telescope,  and  there  are  instruments  for  determining 
the  distance  at  any  given  moment,  as  well  as  compli- 
cated adjustments  for  sighting  and  aiming.  The  pro- 
jectiles used  in  the  biggest  guns  weigh  each  nearly  a 
ton  and  cost  well  up  into  the  thousands,  so  every  pre- 
caution is  taken  not  to  waste  them.  We  can  no  longer 
speak  of  a  cannon-ball,  for  the  modern  charges  are 
cylindrical,  pointed  and  filled  with  explosives  so  as  to 
inflict  the  utmost  damage  for  the  money.  Experience 
has  shown  that  at  very  close  range  they  will  pass  through 
blocks  of  steel  more  than  a  yard  thick ! 

The  bore  of  the  greatest  guns  in  the  German  navy  has 
hitherto  been  a  little  over  thirty  centimeters,  but  is  fast 
reaching  the  forty  centimeter  mark ;  the  guns  themselves 


are  from  forty-five  to  fifty-eight  feet  long  and  weigh 
correspondingly.  The  best  are  from  the  foundries  of 
Krupp,  who,  when  he  died,  left  his  daughter  the  richest 
woman  in  Germany.  The  Krupps  have  a  special  steel 
of  the  utmost  toughness  and  resistance.  The  gun- 
barrel  is  made  of  a  single  block,  which  is  regularly  ex- 
cavated or  bored;  it  is  then  protected  by  innumerable 
rings,  which  are  put  on  when  red-hot,  and  sit  firmly  ever 
after.  The  "kick"  of  the  gun  has  been  entirely  elimi- 
nated by  an  ingenious  contrivance.  Altogether  the  can- 
non of  to-day  have  become  so  complicated  and  so  per- 
fect as  instruments  that  it  takes  longer  to  manufacture 
them  than  it  does  to  construct  the  ship,  and  the  English 
navy  gives  its  orders  for  them  about  six  months  before 
even  the  keel  is  laid.  And  the  life  of  such  a  gun  is  short. 
It  is  said  that  some  of  the  guns  on  the  new  English, 
Japanese  and  Italian  ships  will  be  useless  after  they 
have  fired  eighty  shots;  on  the  American,  French  and 
German  after  from  one  hundred  and  fifty  to  two  hun- 
dred. The  difference  lies  in  the  construction  of  the  gun- 
barrel,  and  there  are  controversies  and  rivalries  over 
which  methods  are  the  best,  just  as  there  are  over  almost 
everything  else  that  pertains  to  warfare:  over  the  best 
shells,  the  best  powder,  the  best  mechanical  contrivances 
for  loading,  for  getting  the  range,  etc.  Dreadnaughts 
have  scarcely  yet  been  tried  in  actual  warfare,  and  the 

THE  NAVY  79 

nation  that  has  made  mistakes  in  theory  may  live  to  rue 
them  bitterly  in  practise. 

The  guns  are  placed,  two  and  two,  in  turrets  on  the 
battle-ships,  and  can  be  turned  in  any  direction;  if  need 
be  they  can  fire  a  whole  broadside ;  while,  as  two  turrets 
are  elevated  above  the  rest,  a  volley  can  be  fired  of  four 
guns  direct  from  the  bow  or  stern.  The  turrets  are  ar- 
mored with  tough  hard  steel  and  their  surface  is  curved 
so  that  a  shot  will  glance  off.  The  King  and  the 
Kaiser  classes  carry  ten  great  guns,  the  Helgoland 
and  Nassau  classes  even  twelve,  but  the  latter  are  no 
more  effective,  as  they  have  not  the  two  elevated  turrets 
for  shooting  over  the  other  guns.  Some  of  the  new 
French  and  American  ships  are  to  have  three  and  even 
four  guns  to  a  turret,  but  the  German  navy  is  conserva- 
tive enough  not  to  wish  to  try  the  experiment. 

Theoretically  at  least  a  great  dreadnaught  is  almost 
unsinkable.  Not  only  is  its  hull  divided  into  a  great 
number  of  cells  and  compartments  but  many  of  the  cells 
themselves  are  armored,  so  that  even  if  a  torpedo  pene- 
trates to  them  it  will  not  have  things  all  its  own  way. 
All  vulnerable  places,  too,  are  heavily  armored  with 
plates  that  extend  away  below  the  water  line;  while  the 
powder  magazines  and  torpedo  tubes  are  well  down  in 
the  depths  of  the  ship. 

It  is  the  heavy  armament  that  has  conditioned  the  size 

of  the  ships,  for  they  have  few  other  advantages  than 
the  ability  to  carry  the  extra  weight,  and  they  have  in- 
creased the  cost  of  navies  enormously.  The  appropria- 
tions of  eight  great  powers  for  1914-1915  come  to  not 
far  from  three  billion  five  hundred  million  marks,  Eng- 
land leading  with  more  than  one  billion.  And  the  ex- 
penses do  not  cease  with  the  building  of  the  ships,  for 
docks,  dry  docks,  canals,  etc.,  have  to  be  enlarged  ac- 
cordingly. The  Kaiser  Wilhelm  canal,  built  between 
the  years  1887  and  1895,  at  a  cost  of  one  hundred  fifty- 
six  million  marks,  had  already  outgrown  its  usefulness 
ten  years  after  its  opening.  Its  widening,  which  will 
not  be  fully  completed  until  1915,  is  to  cost  two  hun- 
dred twenty-three  millions  in  addition. 

We  have  thus  far  spoken  only  of  ships  of  the  line, 
and,  although  we  shall  have  to  return  to  them  in  a  mo- 
ment, a  few  words  must  first  be  said  as  to  the  use  of  the 
other  categories  of  ships  in  actual  warfare.  Armored 
cruisers  in  themselves  are  nothing  new.  England  has 
forty-four  of  them,  France  nineteen,  Japan  fifteen  and 
Germany  and  the  United  States  each  fourteen.  But 
great  armored  battle-cruisers  have  existed  only  since 
1907  and  are  possessed  as  yet  by  only  three  powers: 
England  has  ten;  Germany  has,  or  had,  five  (for  the 
Goeben  is  out  of  the  running) ,  and  Japan  has  two. 

The  big  battle-cruiser  is  as  long  as  a  battle-ship,  or 

THE  NAVY  81 

even  longer;  it,  also,  is  called  a  dreadnaught.  It  has 
guns  as  large,  but  fewer  of  them ;  eight  instead  of  ten. 
Where,  then,  is  the  difference?  The  difference  is  in  the 
lines,  which  are  long  and  slender,  like  those  of  a  yacht, 
and  in  the  speed,  which  is  from  twenty-eight  to  thirty 
knots  instead  of  twenty-two  or  twenty-three.  The 
cruiser  has  been  described  as  a  sort  of  naval  cavalry  that 
can  fly  to  any  weak  point  of  the  enemy,  can  chase  a 
single  ship  or  can  outflank  a  line  of  ships,  bring  them 
between  two  fires,  thus  deciding  the  battle.  The  cruis- 
ers can  also  fight  each  other.  A  new  instrument  of 
war  has  thus  been  introduced  that  may,  after  all,  once 
more  make  naval  contests  thrilling  and  dramatic  instead 
of  being  mere  pounding  competitions. 

The  small  cruiser,  in  contradistinction  to  the  large 
armored  one,  has  but  a  light  iron  belt  and  carries  only 
light  guns  and  deck  torpedo  tubes.  Its  purpose  is  not 
to  engage  in  battle,  unless  it  be  with  a  torpedo-boat,  but 
rather  to  avoid  it.  It  combines  the  qualities  of  scout 
and  of  torpedo-boat-destroyer,  which  latter  type  is  alto- 
gether lacking  in  the  German  navy.  Its  chief  quality 
is  swiftness,  and  a  swarm  of  small  cruisers  accompanies 
the  fleet  when  it  puts  to  sea,  darting  here  and  there  to 
make  sure  that  none  of  the  much-dreaded  little  enemies 
is  approaching. 

Of  large  torpedo-boats  the  German  fleet  has  one  hun- 


dred  fifty-four,  all  of  its  own  special  type.  The  value 
of  the  type  has  at  times  been  overestimated,  at  times 
underestimated,  but  the  recent  gains  in  speed  and  in  sea- 
worthiness have  made  it  no  contemptible  adversary. 
Practically  its  only  weapon  is  the  torpedo,  for  project- 
ing which  it  carries  four  tubes  on  deck;  its  small  guns 
are  merely  for  use  against  other  torpedo-boats.  Its 
chief  defense  is  its  extreme  swiftness,  for  some  of  the 
boats  have  a  speed  of  thirty-eight  miles  an  hour.  It 
can  turn,  too,  incredibly  quickly,  for  it  has  a  rudder  in 
the  bow  as  well  as  in  the  stern.  It  is  unarmored,  but  is 
painted  black  for  its  protection.  For  it  is  a  creature  of 
the  night,  stealing  up  in  the  darkness  with  its  deadly 
weapon  and  scarcely  ever  exposing  itself  to  the  enemy's 
guns  by  the  light  of  day.  It  has  one  enemy,  to  be 
dreaded  above  all  others,  the  search-light. 

There  are  hundreds  of  the  little  black  devils  in  the 
navy,  and  they  have  every  sort  of  trick  for  concealment 
and  escape.  By  running  very  swiftly  they  can  keep  the 
smoke  from  rising  vertically  from  their  funnels  and 
thus  betraying  their  presence.  They  often  go  forth  in 
flotillas  and  if  an  enemy  start  to  chase  them  they  scatter, 
having  previously  arranged  where  they  are  to  meet 
again.  They  come  bow  on  to  the  ship  they  mean  to 
injure,  for  the  distance  between  them  will  then  increase 
more  rapidly.  If  brought  to  bay  a  torpedo-boat  turns 

Submarine  Fleet  in  Harbor  at  Kiel 

Armored  Cruiser  Moltke 

THE  NAVY  83 

its  own  search-light  on  the  commander  of  the  other  ves- 
sel and  tries  to  blind  him  with  its  glare.  It  is  a  risky 
business,  that  of  torpedo-boat  commander,  and  requires 
men  of  the  very  highest  training  and  courage.  The 
reason  there  are  such  numbers  of  the  little  craft  is  that 
many  are  sure  to  go  to  the  bottom  in  the  course  of  a 
campaign.  Germany  expects  that  her  flotilla  will  be  of 
great  help  in  a  war  with  England,  for  when  a  torpedo 
hits  the  damage  is  apt  to  be  severe.  Dynamite  is  mild 
compared  to  the  new  melanite  and  lyddite  that  are  used 
in  charging. 

If  the  torpedo-boat  is  a  fiend  that  works  mainly  at 
night,  its  sister,  the  submarine,  works  only  by  day.  If 
the  submarine  has  not,  as  was  at  one  time  expected,  com- 
pletely revolutionized  naval  warfare,  it  has  at  least  so 
far  asserted  itself  that  it  can  never  be  left  wholly  out  of 
the  reckoning.  Its  improvement  has  kept  pace  with 
that  of  the  torpedo-boat  in  stability,  in  size  and  in  man- 
ageableness.  The  newest  boats  have  a  displacement  of 
a  thousand  tons,  and  long  sea  voyages  are  now  possible. 
Germany  has  far  fewer  torpedo-boats  than  has  Eng- 
land, but  claims  that  hers  are  much  stronger  and  much 
better  adapted  for  service  in  rough  weather  and  on  the 
high  seas. 

When  there  is  no  enemy  in  the  immediate  vicinity  the 
submarine  rides  the  waves  like  any  other  boat;  when 


there  is  danger  she  dives  like  a  duck.  Just  before  firing 
her  torpedo  she  comes  to  the  surface  for  an  instant  to 
get  one  last  good  look.  She  is  helpless  at  that  moment, 
of  course,  but  trusts  to  not  being  seen  in  time.  When 
under  water  her  speed  is  only  about  ten  miles  an  hour, 
as  the  pressure  is  very  great;  on  the  surface  she  can 
travel  about  sixteen.  Her  slowness  is  a  disadvantage, 
for  she  can  only  lurk  for  and  intercept  a  fleet,  not  pur- 
sue and  overtake  it.  She  labors  under  another  disad- 
vantage, too,  for  she  has  to  carry  two  motors  and  can 
not  use  the  same  one  above  and  under  water.  Why? 
Because  the  one  is  an  oil  motor  and  generates  gases 
which  would  be  fatal  when  all  outlets  are  closed.  The 
other  is  run  by  an  electric  storage  battery,  the  filling  of 
which  requires  time  and  patience. 

How  can  the  submarine  communicate  with  its  own 
fleet?  It  has  wireless  telegraphy  and  also  deep-water 
signals,  but  these  do  not  work  so  well  as  might  be  de- 
sired. It  has  one  other  connection  with  the  visible  world 
as  wonderful  as  anything  described  by  Jules  Verne  in 
his  Twenty  Thousand  Leagues  Under  the  Sea,  the  peri- 
scope, or  literally  the  "looker  round."  I  can  not  do  bet- 
ter than  describe  it  in  the  words  of  a  naval  officer,  Count 
Ernest  zu  Reventlow : 

Roughly  speaking,  the  apparatus  consists  in  this:  If 
the  boat  is  under  water  and  yet  wishes  to  see  what  is 

THE  NAVY  85 

going  on  above,  it  pushes  up  a  long  thin  pipe  until  the 
surface  is  reached  and  a  little  beyond.  At  the  farther 
end  of  this  pipe  is  a  contrivance  with  glass  prisms,  or 
mirrors  and  lenses.  This  throws  down  the  image  re- 
flected from  the  surface  of  the  water,  through  the  ver- 
tical pipe,  into  the  interior  of  the  boat.  The  image  is 
caught  on  a  plate  and  the  commander  of  the  submarine, 
although  he  may  be  several  yards  under  water,  can  see 
everything  that  is  floating  and  happening  on  the  sur- 
face and  consequently  can  make  his  attack  with  the  sole 
guidance  of  this  image  and  steer  the  boat  until  it  is  at 
the  right  distance  for  firing  the  torpedo. 

It  sounds  like  magic,  and  indeed  the  witches  were  not 
in  it  when  it  comes  to  the  achievements  of  modern  sci- 
ence. But  Reventlow  has  to  confess  that  in  practise  the 
periscope  is  not  so  wonderful  as  it  sounds  in  theory. 
The  splashing  of  the  salt  water,  unless  the  sea  be  per- 
fectly calm,  which  it  seldom  is,  soon  dims  and  even 
effaces  the  image.  It  was  long  before  the  inventors 
could  bring  the  periscope  to  reflect  more  than  a  small 
section  of  the  horizon,  but  that  difficulty  seems  to  have 
been  overcome. 

It  is  possible,  with  map,  clock  and  compass,  to  take 
reckonings  and  keep  on  a  course  even  when  deep  down 
under  water.  Deeper  than  ninety  feet  the  submarine 
seldom  goes.  It  has  found  a  new  and  unexpected  enemy 


in  the  air-ship  or  aeroplane,  for  it  is  a  well-known  fact 
that  from  a  height  on  a  clear  day,  at  least,  you  can  see 
very  far  into  the  water.  But  what,  one  will  ask,  can 
the  aeroplane  do  about  it  even  if  it  sights  a  submarine 
far  down  beneath  the  surface?  Projectiles  would  not 
be  likely  to  do  much  damage.  At  the  same  time  it  can 
warn  ships  and  can  pursue  and  worry  the  submarine. 

That  the  latter  is  not  a  perfect  instrument  goes  with- 
out saying;  indeed,  when  it  darts  about  blindly  it  be- 
comes a  menace  to  its  own  ships.  Its  arrangements  are 
so  complicated,  too,  with  all  the  letting  in  and  out  of 
water,  the  diving  and  coming  up,  the  changing  of  mo- 
tors and  providing  artificial  air  that  things  are  very  apt 
to  go  wrong.  The  service  is  extremely  exhausting  for 
the  men  and  extremely  dangerous. 

Yet  all  the  same  the  value  of  submarines  is  universally 
acknowledged  and  every  great  navy  has  them.  They 
will  probably  prove  useful  in  planting  that  new  instru- 
ment of  destruction,  the  floating  mine,  about  which  a 
few  words  must  be  said  here:  "It  is  to  be  presumed," 
writes  Reventlow,  "that  in  the  next  naval  war  [how  lit- 
tle he  dreamed  in  November,  1913,  that  that  war  was  so 
close  at  hand!]  mines  will  play  an  important  part  not 
merely  in  coast  defense  but  also  in  sea  fights  as  a  weapon 
with  the  same  justification  as  artillery  and  torpedoes  and 
that  their  use  will  materially  influence  the  tactics  to  be 

A    Submarine    Flotilla 

Torpedo   Boat 

Search  Lights 

A   Submarine   About   to   Dive 

THE  NAVY  87 

employed."  As  such  a  weapon  of  attack  mines  were 
first  used  in  the  Japanese-Russian  War. 

A  mine,  as  the  reader  probably  knows,  is  a  cask  filled 
with  high  explosives  and  fastened  by  means  of  weights 
and  anchors  so  that  it  floats  some  feet  below  the  surface. 
Mines  can  be  planted  in  fields,  as  it  were,  by  torpedo- 
boats  or  submarine  and  then  a  hostile  fleet  can  be  lured 
or  chased  in  among  them.  The  North  Sea,  as  we  know, 
is  at  present  thickly  strewn  with  them  and  fatal  results 
have  already  been  chronicled.  Air-ships  and  aeroplanes 
can  help  by  finding  the  whereabouts  of  the  hostile  fleet 
and  designating  by  wireless  the  spots  where  the  mines 
should  be  planted. 

Air-ships  and  aeroplanes  will  possibly  find  their  chief 
use  as  coast-defenders.  They  need  refuges  to  which 
they  can  retire,  which  limits  their  use  on  the  high  seas. 
But  along  the  shore  they  can  scout  for  hostile  ships  and 
also  can  detect  submarines  and  mines.  They  can  throw 
down  explosives  and,  if  they  are  near  enough  to  the 
enemy's  harbors,  can  destroy  docks  and  demoralize  ship- 
ping. Already  there  is  talk  of  specially  armored  decks 
and  of  great  iron  grills  for  protecting  the  openings  of 

More  than  six  months  ago  a  thoughtful  German, 
Rudolf  Troetsch,  wrote  a  book  called  Germany's  Fleet 


in  the  Decisive  Struggle,  in  which  he  weighs  the  differ- 
ent tasks  the  fleet  will  be  called  upon  to  perform  in  case 
of  war,  and  comes  ever  and  again  to  the  conclusion  that 
a  battle  on  the  high  seas  is  the  only  possible  option — a 
battle  im  grossen  Stile,  in  the  grand  style.  Even  if  the 
enemy's  fleet  is  not  conquered  it  can  be  greatly  weak- 
ened and  strategy  and  tactics  will  go  far  to  make  up  for 
want  of  numbers. 

Troetsch  begins  by  showing  the  different  methods  an 
enemy  will  be  likely  to  pursue ;  and  one  sees  throughout 
that  he  has  England  in  mind.  First  of  all  will  corne- 
as has  already  happened — the  so-called  cruiser  war  or 
attempt  to  destroy  the  country's  commerce  by  snapping 
up  her  merchant  ships.  This  can  eventually  end  the  war 
by  the  starvation  process ;  that  is,  by  cutting  off  all  food 
and  other  supplies.  According  to  the  Paris  interna- 
tional agreement  of  1856  there  shall  be  no  privateering, 
which  means  that  individuals  may  not  fit  out  ships  and 
take  prizes,  but  does  not  mean  that  the  property  of  indi- 
viduals, if  they  are  subjects  of  one  or  other  of  the  war- 
ring powers,  may  not  be  seized.  Prizes  of  war  may 
either  be  towed  into  the  nearest  port  or,  after  the  crews 
and  passengers  have  been  taken  off,  may  be  sent  to  the 
bottom  with  all  their  cargo.  To  be  effective,  however, 
this  method  of  warfare  must  be  methodically  pursued, 
which  means  regularly  employing  a  force  of  swift  cruis- 

THE  NAVY  89 

ers.  The  method  had  its  warm  advocates  in  naval  circles, 
especially  in  France  about  thirty  years  ago.  There  is 
a  strong  feeling  at  present  that  the  game  is  not  worth 
the  candle  and  that  there  are  other  tasks  for  the  cruisers 
to  perform  which  are  of  more  importance.  For  a  coun- 
try which  has  few  foreign  coaling  stations  into  which 
the  prizes  can  be  towed  but  very  little  is  to  be  gained; 
while  a  naval  battle  is  greatly  to  be  preferred  to  having 
an  enemy  try  these  tactics. 

Another  method  that  may  be  applied  against  Ger- 
many is  the  blockading  of  her  North  Sea  coast.  A 
blockade,  according  to  the  Paris  declaration  of  1850 
and  again  according  to  the  London  conference  of  1908, 
must  be  effective  in  order  to  be  binding ;  a  country  may 
not,  in  other  words,  simply  declare  an  enemy's  coasts  in 
a  state  of  blockade,  but  must  have  enough  ships  there  to 
enforce  the  regulations.  A  successful  blockade  hinders 
even  neutral  ships  from  landing  and  is  the  best  way  of 
preventing  the  entry  of  contraband  of  war  and  of  para- 
lyzing all  commerce.  The  form  of  Germany's  coast  line 
fairly  invites  to  a  blockade,  much  more  than  do  the 
coasts  either  of  England  or  France.  A  line  drawn  from 
Holland  to  Denmark  would  form  the  hypothenuse  of  a 
triangle  including  the  mouths  of  Germany's  chief  rivers, 
her  main  seaports  as  well  as  all  her  North  Sea  islands. 
The  Baltic,  too,  could  be  easily  shut  off  from  the  ocean, 


and  with  the  enemy's  ships  all  bottled  up  there  would  be 
no  fear  of  a  descent  on  the  coasts  of  England. 

This  sounds  well  in  theory,  but  in  practise  the  dif- 
ficulties will  be  well-nigh  insuperable.  Those  who  know 
the  coast  will  remember  the  miles  and  miles  of  shallows 
—the  so-called  Wattenmeer  so  difficult  to  navigate.  In 
time  of  \var  all  lighthouses  and  buoys  are  removed  and, 
if  they  approach  the  shore,  the  English  ships  will  in- 
evitably run  aground,  while  the  German  torpedo-boats 
and  submarines  will  be  in  their  very  element.  Floating 
mines,  too,  will  get  in  their  deadly  wrork,  as  will  also  the 
strings  of  fixed  mines  which  are  ignited  not  by  percus- 
sion but  by  means  of  an  electric  current  controlled  from 
the  shore.  The  German  fleet  can  retire  well  up  the 
great  streams  and  menace  the  enemy  there;  while  it 
must  not  be  forgotten  that  the  great  cannon  of  the  coast 
defenses  can  shoot  fifteen  kilometers  (nine  and  three- 
eighths  miles )  or  more.  Finally  the  islands  in  the  neigh- 
borhood, notably  Borkum  and  Wangerood,  are  fortified, 
and  last  but  not  least,  there  is  Helgoland  far  out  in  the 
sea.  A  whole  fleet  could  not  take  this  Gibraltar  of  the 
North.  The  rocky  walls  are  very  hard ;  indeed,  with  true 
German  thoroughness,  they  have  been  tested  to  see  if 
they  would  successfully  withstand  bombardment.  Un- 
der their  shelter  a  harbor  for  torpedo-boats  and  subma 
rines  has  been  built  at  a  cost  of  thirty  million  marks. 

THE  NAVY  91 

From  here  they  can  issue  forth  and  here,  protected  from 
afar  by  thie  great  guns,  they  can  take  refuge  and  form 
new  projects. 

Troetsch  considers  it  more  than  likely  that  England 
will  proceed  to  a  blockade,  but  a  blockade  not  in  the  nar- 
row but  in  a  broader  sense.  One  objection  to  the  nar- 
rower blockade  would  be  that  her  naval  bases,  necessary 
for  repairs,  fuel  and  ammunition,  would  be  very  far 
away.  But  this  can  be  obviated  if  the  blockading  line 
begin  somewhere  between  Dover  and  Calais,  extend 
along  the  east  coast  of  Scotland,  with  bases  at  Rosyth 
and  Scapa  Flow,  and  end  near  the  southernmost  point 
of  Norway,  Cape  Lindesnaes.  This  would  shut  every 
exit  from  the  North  Sea  to  the  Atlantic  and  at  the  same 
time  encircle  all  the  exits  from  the  Baltic:  the  Skager 
Rak  and  Cattegat  and  the  Kaiser  Wilhelm  Canal.  Here 
England  could  carry  on  what  is  known  as  an  "observa- 
tion blockade,"  biding  her  time  to  fall  upon  the  enemy's 

The  great  disadvantage  is  that  the  blockading  line 
will  have  to  be  so  very  long.  The  surface  of  the  North 
Sea  is  about  equal  to  that  of  the  whole  German  Empire, 
and  such  a  line  as  we  have  traced  would  extend  for  two 
hundred  fifty  or  three  hundred  miles.  It  is  a  question 
if  even  England's  enormous  fleet  can  spare  the  requisite 
number  of  ships.  Such  a  blockading  fleet  consists  not 


only  of  a  long  chain  of  vessels  close  together  but  also  of 
a  supporting  fleet  and,  behind  that,  of  the  real  battle 
squadrons.  The  whole  force  must  be  nearly  double  that 
of  the  enemy,  as  it  operates  on  a  much  broader  line.  The 
foggy  stormy  weather  that  is  apt  to  prevail  in  the  North 
Sea  will  also  render  the  blockade  less  efficient. 

Germany  is  likely  to  attempt  to  break  it  and  to  bring 
about  a  great  naval  battle  at  the  earliest  opportunity. 
But  that  opportunity  may  not  come  so  very  soon.  Re- 
ventlow,  speaking  indeed  of  a  hypothetical  war,  declares 
that  such  a  blockade  may  last  a  year  or  longer.  Ger- 
many has  too  much  at  stake  to  risk  her  small  but  excel- 
lent fleet  before  the  tactical  moment  has  come.  Will 
her  Zeppelins  help  her  to  victory?  That  is  the  question 
that  all  are  asking  now.  They  are  but  fragile  toys  in 
a  stormy  sea,  but,  with  circumstances  in  their  favor,  may 
achieve  wonderful  results. 

When  it  does  come  to  the  battle  on  the  high  seas  into 
which  Germany  will  surely  force  England,  we  shall  see 
modern  tactics  put  to  their  supreme  test,  for  only  by 
tactical  superiority  can  Germany  hope  to  win.  In  an 
old-fashioned  battle  in  which  the  ships  rushed  at  each 
other  pellmell,  or  in  one  in  which  the  rival  fleets  simply 
lie  to  and  pound  each  other  she  would  be  sure  to  lose.  A 
modern  battle  is  much  more  a  game  of  skill  in  which  the 
victory  is  not  to  the  strongest  but  to  the  cleverest. 

THE  NAVY  93 

In  a  modern  battle  the  ships  are  ever  and  always 
moving.  Not  that  the  maneuvers  are  necessarily  com- 
plicated, but  there  goes  on  the  whole  time  a  constant 
thrust  and  parry.  There  are  different  kinds  of  encoun- 
ters. First  there  is  the  running  fight,  in  which  the  two 
fleets,  the  vessels  one  behind  the  other,  run  in  the  same 
direction,  firing  all  the  while.  Here  the  strength  of  the 
ships,  the  power  of  the  guns  and  the  quickness  of  the 
gunners  play  the  decisive  part.  The  more  turrets,  fun- 
nels, engine-rooms  and  stearing  gear  put  out  of  com- 
mission, so  much  the  better.  The  so-called  passing 
fight,  where  the  fleets  run  not  in  the  same  but  in  oppo- 
site directions,  is  apt  to  be  preferred  by  a  fleet  that  is 
numerically  weaker.  The  agony  is  less  prolonged  and 
escape  is  easier.  Then  there  is  the  circular  fight,  in 
which  the  fleets  are  like  great  serpents  trying  to  catch 
one  another's  tails.  The  circular  fight  can  follow  directly 
after  the  passing  fight  when  the  fleets  have  not  been 
seriously  crippled. 

But  the  crown  and  acme  of  all  fleet  maneuvers  is  the 
so-called  crossing  of  the  T. 

"The  maneuver  of  the  crossing  of  the  T,"  writes  Troetsch,  "con- 
sists in  endeavoring  to  bring  one's  own  line  at  right  angles  across  the 
head,  or  also  across  the  tail,  of  the  hostile  line — of  enfilading  it,  as 
the  expression  goes,  so  that  the  opposing  lines  come  into  the  relative 
positions  of  the  two  bars  of  the  Latin  T.  .  .  .  Such  a  movement 
renders  it  possible  to  concentrate  the  entire  fire  of  one's  own  broad- 


sides  on  the  ship  that  is  at  the  head  of  the  enemy's  fleet.  In  this  way 
one  increases  the  effectiveness  of  one's  own  fire  to  the  very  highest 
degree,  inasmuch  as  all  the  shots  which  go  too  far  to  one  side  will 
strike  the  hinder  ships  of  the  long  hostile  line.  The  ships  at  its 
head  must  gradually  succumb  to  the  concentrated  fire,  while  one's 
own  line  is  exposed  only  to  the  guns  in  the  opponent's  bow  and  to  the 
fire  of  the  few  guns  which  can  be  pointed  from  the  sides  at  such  an 
angle  as  still  to  reach  the  enfilading  ships.  This  position  signifies 
for  the  fleet  that  succeeds  in  shoving  itself  across  the  head  of  the 
enemy's  line  the  most  effective  application  of  the  principle  of  the 
concentration  of  power,  which  is  based  on  the  endeavor  always  to 
bring  into  play  when  attacking  the  enemy  a  greater  number  of  guns 
than  he  in  his  momentary  position  has  at  his  disposal.  If  one  can 
open  fire  in  this  position  it  may  prove  of  the  greatest  significance  for 
the  whole  battle.  .  .  .  There  are  cases  where  the  advantage  of 
this  position  is  gained  by  mere  chance,  as  when  the  two  fleets  come 
upon  each  other  in  that  formation  in  thick  or  foggy  weather.  .  .  „ 
It  is  difficult  to  assume  the  position  of  crossing  the  T  when  the  fight- 
ing is  already  in  progress.  .  .  . 

The  fleet  against  which  the  crossing  of  the  T  is  attempted  can 
seek  to  lessen  its  effect  by  various  counter  maneuvers.  It  can  turn  in 
the  same  direction  and  take  a  parallel  course  with  the  enveloping 
fleet,  whereby  if  it  be  swift  enough  it  has  the  advantage  of  being  on 
the  inner  or  shorter  line:  the  battle  then  becomes  a  simple  running 
fight,  or  it  can  simply  turn  and  follow  the  tail  of  the  hostile  line  or 
engage  with  the  head  of  the  line  in  a  passing  fight." 

We  can  even  imagine  the  line  of  ships,  the  bow  of 
which  has  been  crossed,  executing  a  sort  of  dance  with 
its  opponent  in  order  to  bring  its  broadsides  into  play 
—the  first  ship  turning  to  the  right,  the  second  to  the 
left,  the  third  to  the  right  again  and  so  on  until  all  are 
opposite  and  parallel  to  the  enemy. 

THE  NAVY  95 

And  so  the  war  is  on  which  brings  Germany's  fleet 
and  army  into  play — to  the  last  man  and  to  the  last  gun. 
We  have  suddenly  found  ourselves  in  the  midst  of  a 
struggle  which  makes  even  the  wars  of  Napoleon  seem 

As  many  men  are  now  engaged  simultaneously  as 
were  then  called  out  in  the  course  of  years.  And  the 
instruments  of  death  are  a  hundred  times  more  deadly. 
From  the  skies  above  destruction  rains  down ;  from  sub- 
terranean forts  and  from  the  depths  of  the  sea  it  wells 
up.  The  difference  between  hand  labor  and  machinery 
has  been  transmitted  into  terms  of  killing ;  we  have  arti- 
ficial earthquakes  and  eruptions. 

How  shall  we  name  the  war?  The  War  of  1914?  But 
it  may  last  on  into  the  next  year,  and  the  next  and  the 
next.  As  I  know  Germany  she  will  never  now  submit 
to  being  conquered  unless  the  social  democrats  gain  the 
upper  hand.  And  even  then  I  am  not  sure  that  the  social 
democrats  are  prepared  to  draw  the  last  consequences  of 
their  long  agitation  against  the  imperial,  or  against  any 
national  government.  Our  descendants  may  look  back 
on  it  as  the  Thousand  Years'  War,  for  one  fails  to  see 
how  the  passions  now  unchained  can  ever  again  be 
calmed.  And  there  are  signs  that  we  are  at  the  begin- 
ning of  a  colossal  shoving  around  of  races  that  will  make 
our  children  mock  at  the  awe  with  which  their  fathers 


read  of  the  so-called  wandering  of  the  nations.  All  the 
Suevi  and  Allemanni  and  Goths,  Vandals  and  Visigoths 
that  ever  overran  Gaul  would  have  made  but  a  few  corps 
in  the  great  Teuton  army  that  is  now  pressing  into 

Russia,  with  her  one  hundred  sixty  millions,  is  likely 
to  claim  a  much  vaster  influence  than  she  has  yet  had. 
Napoleon  would  once  have  been  willing  to  share  Europe 
with  Czar  Alexander;  will  some  such  partition  enter 
into  the  new  treaty  of  peace?  Will  it  perhaps  be  be- 
tween Teuton  and  Slav  and  will  England  have  to  move 
to  Canada  and  France  to  Africa?  I  can  not  believe,  in 
any  case,  that  Germany  will  succumb.  She  is  reproached 
now  by  sentimental  ladies  with  having  devoted  such 
serious  study  to  the  work  of  destruction.  She  devotes 
serious  study  to  everything  that  she  attempts.  Only  re- 
cently I  was  initiated  into  the  splendid  methods  by  which 
she  runs  her  labor-exchanges  and  also  into  the  workings 
of  her  prisons  and  penitentiaries.  Everything  is  fore- 
seen, everything  provided  for.  And  so  it  is  with  her 
fighting  force.  Every  single  problem  is  attacked  theo- 
retically as  well  as  practically,  and  in  almost  every  re- 
gard we  other  nations  are  but  as  untrained  children  to 

Once  more,  who  is  to  blame  for  the  horrible  war?  A 
clever  writer,  such  as  we  have  for  detective  stories,  would 

THE  NAVY  97 

have  little  difficulty  in  convincingly  foisting  the  guilt 
on  each  of  the  great  powers  in  succession.  Austria  is 
to  blame  for  her  ultimatum  to  Servia,  Russia  for  mo- 
bilizing against  Austria,  France  for  entering  the  con- 
flict when  the  matter  did  not  concern  her  at  all,  Germany 
for  demanding  Russian  demobilization,  England  for 
stabbing  Germany  in  the  back  when  she  was  already 
struggling  with  enemies  on  either  side,  Japan  for  her 
bumptious  self-assertion. 

It  is  the  twilight  of  the  gods.  Is  Germany  the  Wal- 
halla  that  is  to  fall  in  ruins?  Or  is  she  merely  about  to 
build  a  Walhalla  that  shall  project  over  all  other  politi- 
cal edifices  ?  The  moment  is  a  serious  one  for  us  Amer- 
icans. Where  shall  we  stand  in  the  new  order  of  things? 
Will  a  Japan  that  has  conquered  a  China,  a  Russia  and 
a  Germany  submit  to  American  exclusion  acts?  Her 
fleet  already  outnumbers  ours  in  ships  of  all  types  ex- 
cept ships  of  the  line,  and  her  naval  appropriations  are 
progressing  more  steadily  than  our  own.  And  when 
Japan  secures  what  she  wishes  from  us,  China  will  be 
ready  to  make  the  same  demands.  It  is  a  far  cry  since 
Austria  interpreted  the  five  vowels  in  her  favor:  Alles 
Erdreich  ist  Osterreich  unterthan  (all  earthly  kingdoms 
are  subject  to  Austria) .  Which  will  be  the  next  world- 





UA  Henderson,  Ernest  Flagg 
712  Germany's  fighting 

H4  machine